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About The_Silver_Wolf

  • Birthday 01/13/2000

The_Silver_Wolf's Achievements


Grass (2/9)



  1. I have gone on the server now but i can't break blocks or pick up items It gives the message: You are not permitted to use the block AIR EDIT - In the spawn it says IronVoltz instead of StoneVoltz.
  2. btw i'm following you.

    1. stijn


      :) server is back online without bugs, i just need some time to set things up sorry hosting 2 servers and i have 0 mods /admins

  3. (1. IGN: northern_nat (2. Age: 12 (3. First time joined the server: 16:11 10/1/13 (4. Why do you want to be a mod: I see way to many mods/admins abusing their powers and i wont to be a fair mod on a server so that people are not deterred by unfair treatment. (5. What do you think that makes you a good moderator: I'm quite fair and won't blow my top unless i have a mega reason. Also i have been a negotiator a lot.
  4. hello. I like your avatar. Did someone eat his bird feed? ,/

  5. I can't load them up at other places for a reason at my end but could an admin please shut this thread down. Sorry
  6. I can't connect. It gives a message about mods being out of date. Yes i have downgraded to 1.0.5 but still get that.
  7. Hmmmmmmmmmm. Sorry everyone
  8. I'll help on this server f i can get on EDIT - I can't get on. Is the server up right now? EDIT - just read post on 4th page. Feeling noobish :(
  9. It is but you are in the game and get killed by Yuki (pardon me if have got the wrong thing) I wish i was a creeper who could respawn after blowing up
  10. I recently built a Fort in Tekkit Classic and thought i post it up here since it's my first quite large project. Well apart from the dam i made. The screenshots wouldn't obey me and show up here so i've put them on another website :/ Here's the link. I'm planning on building a harbour beside the fort but before i start that has anyone got ideas as to what should be inside the Fort?
  11. You get a dollar but it turns out to be a dud I wish for all the bugs in Voltz to be fixed
  12. Nothing bad happens until you become so rich and bored that you try to unwish your wish and your universe implodes around you causing everything to rewind to the time when you were about to wish. The second time you don't wish. I wish to be King of Wolves
  13. Expecting the unexpected

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