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About Superirish

  • Birthday 12/19/1995

Superirish's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Ingame username: Superirish19 Age: 17 Are you experienced in tekkit? Yes, although I'm a bit rusty. I can get stuff running, and then I figure out the rest, with explosions along the way. Do you wish to play on cubenation? I wouldn't be applying otherwise. We are also looking for staff, are you willing to help? Certainly.
  2. I enjoyed the Destroy All Humans series for PS2 (After that, well it went off a cliff with the one for PS3/360). Never played Kingdom hearts (or know anything about it).
  3. Seems simple enough, thanks.
  4. Yes I've done that. I tried it twice to make sure I hadn't broken the first one. @Teraku: How would I go about updating Forge? Downloading recent one and plonking it in modpack .jar?
  5. I added optifine and to Tekkit Lite, and then it began acting... weird. No crashes or anything, but certain blocks and items do not update unless you either break them or right click them. Just a list of what happens: Breaking a door or a bed breaks only the block you broke, leaving the other half still there (drops the door/bed anyway) Random chance for trees when broken for the whole tree to remain there (but the items drop, and the tree remaining gives nothing extra nor updates) Removing or adding water/lava blocks will not update the "current" of the water/lava (e.g. breaking a block next to a water block will not show the water moving there, but you can still be dragged by the current, drown or set fire with lava) breaking a grass block with tall grass on it will leave the tall grass there (will still drop seeds) Random chance for dirt blocks to not turn into grass blocks outside. All of these issues are mostly minor (though hidden lava can give you a bit of a surprise), and are solvable by right clicking with an empty hand or something that can't be broken or placed (although sword blocking a glitchy part is fine), but seeing as my cruddy ol' laptop needs optifine to run MC smoothly, I'll just stick to Tekkit.
  6. Name: Superirish19 age: 17 Do I want to join the starting town?: I should for a while, but then leave for my own adventures. What do you wish to accomplish: Survive vanilla style, than thrive with Tekkit. Have you played 1C2 or buildcraft : Yes, buildcraft more than IC2 What is the purpose of a macerator: breaks ores to x2 dust, which can double your mining returns. (No Reccommandations) Other things you should know: I'm polite, I suppose.
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