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About CarbonCrazy

  • Birthday 04/12/1997

CarbonCrazy's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. A Screenshot of the spawn!
  2. RedstoneRigs Hexxit is a new hexxit server with very few banned items for the best gameplay on the Hexxit adventure modpack. We have the Factions plugin just for fun for other players with Griefing and Raiding allowed unless its staff. We run state-of-the-art plugins just for our members, we also have a Feed the Beast server if members are getting bored or just want to play something else! If you vote you can aquire 30 diamonds and $5000 in-game cash for buying in-game items! You can also donate for awesome perks such as: Creative, Fly Mode, Unlimited Money! Recommended Build V1.07 ONLY! Also remember to sign up on the forums at: http://forums.redstonerigs.co.uk IP: Hexxit.redstonerigs.co.uk:25568 FTB IP: ftb.redstonerigs.co.uk - YOGCRAFT
  3. I had this problem with Hexxit MCPC+ i fixed it by Removing the bukkit.yml.
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