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Posts posted by SciFi

  1. Can we please loose Atomic science is favor of Big Reactors? Native TE3 support etc ?

    Also Redstone In Motion which is pretty cool and a well supported mod.

    I have both working with the above list (sans atomic science) on my private test pack without issues but I personally think that they are worthy additions..

  2. SciFi, thanks for the API, is there any way to get the Carriage Controller to move with the frame. Whenever I use the API, the Carriage stays put. Thanks again :D

    If you open the 'rim' file in notepad ({minecraftDIR}/resourcepaks/rimapi/assets/computercraft/lua/rom/apis) and scroll down about half way, look for the function Move (... statement, about 21 lines down from there you will find a line that reads "local anchor = true --Change if you want the motor to also move."

    follow the instructions :-)

    if you want both you could create a copy of the file, mod the original and then rename the copy to say 'rima'. This way calling rim.Move will have the controller move with the carriage and calling rima.Move will have the controller stay where it is

    I may include this in the download in the future but for now this is the quickest route for you

    Hope that helps.

  3. Greetings fellow RIM'ers :-)

    I have created a small 'API' to make working with the controllers a little easier and I wanted to share with people.

    This API adds two programs to your computers:-

    Program 1 - The 'api' rim

    This allows you to make a simple call from within your programs to move carriages about and can be used thus.

    rim.Move([connection type],[connected side],[direction to move],[distance to move],{controller ID})

    Syntax for commands:

    Connection type: net = Wired Modem, direct = in direct contact

    Connected side: left, right, top etc. Where either the wired modem is for 'net mode' or where the controller is for 'direct mode'

    direction to move: north, south, east, west, up or down

    distance to move: number of blocks to move

    controller ID: the ID number of the carriage controller on a wired network. When you enable a wired modem on a carriage controller you will see a chat message of "JAKJ_RIM_CarriageController_1" or similar. you just need the '1' from this message

    You can omit this perimeter if you are using 'direct mode'


    rim.Move("direct","back","north",3) - using the controller on the back of the computer, moves the carriage 3 blocks north

    rim.Move("net","back","north,3,0) - Using the modem on the back of the computer, tells controller 0 to move it's carriage 3 blocks north

    Program 2 - rimm (Redstone In Motion Manual)

    This program allows for manual control of a carriage controller using the arrow keys + home and end.

    There is a UI that walks you though the process.

    to use this just type rimm and press enter on a computer

    if you are running 1.6 versions of computer craft you can simply unzip this file into your resource packs folder and all computers will have the two programs.

    If you are on an earlier version you will need to 'hack' them into the computer craft mod archive or use another way that I don't know.. create a disk in game then copy them into the saves/{world}/computer/disk/{id}

    Hope you like it / find it useful. I need to do some work error handling when you call controllers that are not there etc but it's pretty functional as is...

  4. Does anyone know of a way (mod or not) to reduce the amount of caves that generate in a world?

    I may be alone, but I liked finding a cave to be semi rare and to have nice solid ground be more the norm. I like to build underground complexes but of late it seems you can't dig more than 10 meters without coming across a mega cave or some such..


  5. This thing? http://www.openperipheral.info/

    Looks interesting. I'll check into it later.

    that's the one..

    Basically you connect a modem to your controller and connect to network cable. Then in the code you wrap the network port and send commands like this net.sendRemote("<controller_id>","move(0,false)") the modems and network already see your controller blocks.. but with the rather painful ID name of JAKJ_RIM_CarriageController_X where X is the number in the world.

    Again, I am speaking from not authority here.. but I would imagine that you just need to tell your controller to accept command input from the modem by exposing methods to Open Peripherals..

    If you want testers just shout, you know that I am playing with CC interaction anyway :-)

  6. I am loving this mod! way more useful than the redpower frames IMHO.. I have just been testing on creating and have build a swimming pool that sinks 2 blocks and retracts to reveal a hanger underneath :-) Think Thunderbird 1 there :-)

    I have noticed a couple of odd things, and either it's some bug or I am missing a detail again :-)

    1. I have noticed that water blocks (static in my test) will block movement once they have another block above. I had assumed that it was the water block catching on the stone block above but it a) doesn't move the stone it just blocks the movement and B) replacing the stone with closed frames does not resolve this. Oh and empty the pool it all works 100%

    2. This is one that I can't see any reason for. As the platform moves in any axis and even though I am stood on a totally unconnected and static bit of stone my character gets pinned and moved like I would expect where I stood on the actual platform!

    Happy to upload a world file somewhere if useful, would just need to reproduce in a test build with just your mod in.

    Hope this is in some way clear... it's late.

  7. Was in school for software engineering, had several classes on testing software. Why do you ask?

    Because you clearly know how to test and report! You would be very surprised how many can't

    "Da Fing is broke in'it... fix it yo! " is about the average and it goes down from there :-)

  8. I have mine setup slightly different to this.

    Place an interface with a magma crucible to the left and a liquid transposer to the right.

    Set the magma C to output liquid from the top and transposer to accept liquid from the top

    connect the two top faces with liquiduct

    set the blue input faces to the sides facing the interface

    set the transposer red output to the back

    place a basic import bus on the back of the transposer and connect this bus and interface to your network

    Make a pattern that accepts 40 redstone and 1 energy cell frame and provides 1 energy cell

    place this pattern in the interface.


  9. @Viktor

    The multi sides interface<>furnaces setup does work, if the north facing machine is busy it just tries the next one available.. Though as I said, with AE doing jobs at the macro level not batch it's not all that useful.

    I went for the dust up approach because I like to watch it make things :-)

  10. Actually, having done as Dash said I built a Fusion reactor via AE and it does seem to work, you just need to put enough preasure on the system.

    If anything it seems like AE evaluates each step as it goes rather than saying "ok, I need 20 copper for this build" so this leads to lots of small 1's and 2's being cooked, these are so quick to process that the system rarely needs the other cookers.

    If you go and order 64 units of each ingot type it will use them all.

  11. Hi technical types.

    I am trying to setup a speedy AE smelting interface and need some advice..

    Basically I have my system setup so that all inputted ore is pulverized and stored in that form. Ingots are then cooked up on demand. On a single player test world I build an AE network with an interface in the center of 4 furnaces and if I requested lots of different ingots the jobs would be run on the first free furnice on that interface.

    On my multi player server world I can't get this to work, the ingot jobs seem to be run in sequence always by the same furnace.

    My 'AE Server' has 4 CPU's in it.

    One thing I can't find out is what the dot that appears on the interface when you wrench it is all about...

    advice appreciated.

  12. Hi all, long time user and lover of this mod pack..

    My son has recently got into Minecraft and I have setup a small Tekkit Light server with added Flan Planes (working well so far!) for us to play on at home.

    I wanted to crank up the ore generation a little and went to the mods cfg files only to find that most of the normal options in IC2 etc for copper, tin and the rest seem to to be set to 'false'.

    Is this because there is a universal bunch of settings that stop up having two types of copper etc? if so where is it and how, if at all, can I change the settings?

    Thanks in advance :-)


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