So I was looking for ways to generate energy without using a fuel source and came up with a possible solution that I want to try. It's probably not the most energy efficient way (if you know one better please let me know). I have a few questions before I spend my materials though, and I was hoping I could get some help.
I plan to make some solar panels / thermopiles and connect them to a blulectric engine which will then connect to a Red power cell.
If the red power cell fills up to max will it explode if energy keeps going into it? I know some IC2 batteries like the bat box won't but I couldn't find any info on the red power cells.
While doing some research I read somewhere that a Quarry can go up to 50MJ/t. I was under the impression that 2 combustion engines running on fuel was all you needed to hit max speed. Is this correct?
Any help in answering these question is greatly appreciated!