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Everything posted by biscuit0912

  1. Its about the work that went into it, so why do YOU play with the glorified legos?
  2. Because I am defending the hard work of CJ, now, if I were you. I would leave now before I have a moderator start issuing warrants.
  3. As I stated above, go feud somewhere else.
  4. Drop it, you either let go, or you feud somewhere else.
  5. Love it or leave it, dont love it? Dont care, keep your mouths SHUT! If you have a problem with this mod, you can PM ME about it, have an issue? Than keep it to yourself, now SCATTER YOU LOT OF TROLLS!
  6. if you dont agree than leave, this is where I draw the line THIS MESSAGE GOES OUT TO ALL OF YOU! LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT! Dont like it, dont use it! Dont like the posts! Dont reply! Keep it SHUT!
  7. Notch allowed it, however this is a smaller scale project. So there is no funding to the modders.
  8. If YOU made something that took time out of your life, and you gave it away for free, would you like someone profiting off of your hard work?
  9. California, minecraftusa, Universe, place
  10. Mr. Professor Dr. Biscuit to you. Cadet!
  11. Thats my current occupation, so why not! ^_^
  12. Covert, I love your mod and I do use it often, and I support any legal action you take!
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