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Posts posted by TDarkcreeper

  1. I'm having the same problem. Is there no way to remove the dimensional anchor from the world?

    In my case the Anchor was placed in a mystcraft world, if that's of any use.

    EDIT: I deleted the Dimensional Anchors child mod of immibis (but left immibis_core in because of Forge ModLoader bitching about missing mods), I replaced the (at that moment empty) spot with dirt, and I copied Dimensional anchors back, but apparently the coremod leaves the world corrupt even when the dimensional anchor has been removed. Someone please respond, because our world has grown rather large since the last backup and I don't want to revert that far.

  2. With both thermal expansion and factorization their are mod mechanics that allow you to triple your yield from ores. With thermal expansion focusing on abandoning the double yield of one ore to get triple from another. As for factorization its ore tripling mechanic is time based, taking 20 min or so to triple each ore.

    Ah, okay, I hadn't actually looked into factorization yet. Still, if it's as close as you can get to a continuous resource gatherer, I won't complain about 3x ore output.

    heavens forbid that you actually mine in minecraft.

    Well, the modpack is based on industry, isn't it now? :P

  3. I can imagine an entire setup with redpower frames to also be pretty darn resource-heavy on servers. If not, great, then you could always do that for a passive income of resources, but if it is, is there any other way to automate the resource acquisition? As tekkit is all about making random people confuzled as heck about the setup while having everything done for you while you can do everything behind a monitor. At least to me it is. xD

  4. Don't forget that you can put quarries underground, killing 2 birds with 1 stone: avoiding surface damage, AND reaching gold/diamond layers much faster, without having to dig through ~50 layers of stone, dirt and occasional coal/iron.

    The chance of more valuable materials being true, it doesn't take away the fact that underground chunks will still be loaded in, and while the cavern systems in general generate lag already, it doesn't take away the fact quarries only contribute to it. Of course, you can build quarries further away from the inhabited areas and use a single world anchor for every digging session, but world anchors are banned on most servers for logical reasons, and it still requires you to manually go pick the resources up, as I believe there is a set max. distance for item teleport pipes, which is a minor annoyance to say the least :P.

    It does take away the big ugly holes aspect, I actually hadn't thought of that. Thanks! :)

  5. An average gameplay in EE2: make a stone pick, make a divining rod, go diamond hunting, make a collector farm, done.

    I felt it was overpowered, but it sure is better than having a world full of massive quarry holes you need to make to get all the resources for the stuff you want to make or build.

    I feel Tekkit lacks a little in getting the resources in a balanced fashion, and tekkit lite lacks in getting resources without damaging the environment. (I'm referring to one of the first comments basically saying quarries are only used for EMC. If I'm wrong in doubting this, please feel free to correct)

    However, that's just my opinion. I run a simple server for me and my friends, and the quarry holes tend to not look very nice, or cause lag because of the increased amount of loaded chunks.

    Also, danidas, I didn't know you could make copper and tin with UU-matter?

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