Admin Application:
Ingame Name: frogmaster3727
Age: 12.
Skype: Yes but i prefer to tell you later.
Name: Private.
How long have you been playing Big Trio Tekkit: About 2 months.
How would you rate your Reputation on BTT: I am known but not popular.
*Scenario Testing*
A player is excessively swearing, and Spamming, you would?: I would ask him to stop, if he doesn't i would mute for 5 mins, if he is flooding the chat i would mute for 5 mins and repeat. If getting to 3 warnings then i would report to a higher rank than me.
How would you handle a bug abuser: I would warn them that there will be a kick or ban unless they stop, if they continue i would kick and report to a higher rank.
Would you ban a player if he Raided/griefed your base you?: No i most definately would not because it is allowed. I would just try and get them back legit.
Timezone: NZ