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Everything posted by Staiden

  1. This server is still alive, join us here or our tekkit server
  2. Ive been working a ton on the shops we have a good economy running. Come in and check it out.
  3. Setting up the new shop in the new world! its going to have close to 1000 items to buy!
  4. Hey guys, we have been working on the store at spawn, more and more items are being put up for spawn. Also we are looking for mods, we take players from the server people can apply at www.nuclearwinterminecraft.com Come on in and check us out.
  5. :) you most likely went to the Voltz server? We have had that up for a long time. We do tend to get fewer people that come in. It doesnt bother anyone because that means even less lag.
  6. Hey thanks man the comments are appreciated. I also wanted to add here that we have made mining turtles request only. Its the one way of griefing we cant stop. come on in and try us out.
  7. Figured I would bump us and keep the best at the top
  8. Everyone come on in! No mods disabled! server is running great and as always has been running great!
  9. Just updated to version 1.0.6, things are running great 100% lag free.
  10. Hey guys! We would like to announce our new dedicated Tekkit server! This server runs Linux 12.04 with a solid state drive, 5.0ghz processer and 16 gigs of ram + more bandwidth than is needed. If you are looking for a lag free community based tekkit server you have come to the right place! We are always looking for any type of input to make our servers better. Address - - - tekkit.nuclearwinterminecraft.com Website - - - www.nuclearwinterminecraft.com Register and join the community! Forums are now set up on our website. Donation tiers coming soon.. As of right now only the PVE world is open, this is the world you spawn into. The pvp world will be coming. Server shop is setup if you have an item that you think should be up for buy or sell stop by our forums and let us know. Plugins: GriefPrevention Chest Shop Iconomy Votifier Check back here for more information as well as our website. Rules: 1. No grief or raid in non pvp worlds. 2.Do not ask for items. 3. Do not ask to be mod or admin. This is handled through our webpage. 4. No Racism.
  11. We are hosting one just waiting for the thread to go up to post it. is the addy and port to ours.
  12. Updated to 1.1.4 come join us server has been up for months, nukes are now available to build a long with a bunch of other new stuff.
  13. Hey guys! connect to icbm.nuclearwintervoltz.com and come check us out! I promise a lag free experience!
  14. This is pretty awesome I may install this in my base :)
  15. New server is up!!!!!!!! You MUST use the new technic launcher to access the server, on the left select the Voltz modpack, under the voltz logo you will see a gear click manually select build and ALL THE WAY AT THE BOTTOM select 1.1.3 1.1.3 1.1.3
  16. New server is up!!!!!!!! You MUST use the new technic launcher to access the server, on the left select the Voltz modpack, under the voltz logo you will see a gear click manually select build and ALL THE WAY AT THE BOTTOM select 1.1.2
  17. Technic is great, my server wouldn't be anywhere near what it is if it wasn't for Technic. What upsets me is like you said it might get "amusing" this community as a whole acts like a bunch of quarreling 13 year olds and could use a boot in the ass. In my experience when you have a PR problem you try and fix it not add fuel to the fire like a lot of this community does.
  18. When your server runs 1.1.0 and people cant connect because 1.1.0 its not on the launcher anymore only 1.0.13. that seems like a nice size of a problem. You clearly don't understand how version updates and mod packs work.
  19. Im not going to start an argument here about this...... The point is that they are screwing a lot of people right now....
  20. Well theirs other options out there that run what technic calls "voltz"
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