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About CrabbyDarth

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

CrabbyDarth's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Cmuff, can you restart server like every 8 hours? Getting really laggy.
  2. So once I got whitelisted I can't reach server :c Gotta love this Wi-Fi at mine's.
  3. I'm 112 years old, truly awesome right?

  4. In-Game Name: CrabbyDarth Age: 17 Experience with Tekkit: My experience with tekkit is high, especially with crops c: Did you read the rules?: I did, is the same basic rules, no griefing, duplicatiing items and swearing/racism thingie c: Your personal http://whitelist.mcf.li/ link: http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/9e288105661cfc50d6fdf16a9e091f82a77472c6 Why were you banned?[if not leave blank]:
  5. For a faster answer, use the QUESTION tab in the upper middle if you want it faster, and how they join it ? Open the console, see the IP adress, post it somewhere, make your friends copy it (And the port if you use any) in the mulitplayer thingie, they should now connect. If you're using localhost it wont quite work the same way but, they have to get into your network and then can join you.
  6. I werent even complaining, look over my post and calm down.
  7. I'm not whitelisted, too many requests on the forums or what?
  8. Funny how you're both God and Crazy...
  9. InGameName: CrabbyDarth About me: (brief intro to you) Well, I'm a person looking for smaller servers with less OP stuff and more friendly people, cause pubs usually have griefers and everyone has Redmatter armour and Quantum armour. Location: (timezone works) Norway Why Tekkitia?: (Look at Brief intro c:) Do you understand troublemaking/rule-breaking/griefing will get you banned/removed? I understand the rules and will not break them c:
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