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About camcar43

  • Birthday 02/08/1999

camcar43's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. your in-game name: camcar43 i want to play on jwl because the server is really cool and my friend goes on it. yes i have played on the voltz and the classic jwl. something about yourself: i am 14
  2. ign: Camcar43 Timezone: EST united states why: I feel like being a moderator gives me an opportunity to help other players. something cool i made: A deadmau5 head that lights up favorite mod: industrial craft 2 cause its awesome past experience: i was admin on 2 servers and moderator on 3
  3. i think claw won that one (.)_(.) after 15min of reading all the forum. P.S dead babies are easy to hide why in your garage.
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