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About ado

  • Birthday 01/21/1986

ado's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. In game name: EggofDeath Age: 27 Location: Chesterfield, Derbyshire, England Experience: To be honest I'm very new to tekkit so not really much experience...... Why I want to join: I've had tekkit nearly a month and I've loved it since I got it and my ps3 is bannish to the dusty side of the room. I've tried a couple of servers but they were mostly full of gimps and when ever i logged in I'd have stuff missing. I just want to join a server without hundreds of people robbing my stuff and being general pains. I'm also looking for people that are willing and able to help me develop my tekkit-ness.
  2. iv had to edit my questiona (lady needs help with technic launcher pleeeease) as a reply to you coz for some reason it wont let me type a normal reply :/

  3. ado

    Update Failed

    iv tired moving the tecchnic launcher files off my girlfriends laptop on to my pc and mines still coming up with update failed.and iv tried all the uninstall and reinstall ideas and clearing the cache but i stil get it to work =(
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