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Everything posted by fatpaychecks

  1. IGN: Fatpaychecks Age: 18 Have you read our rules?: Of course! The quality of the rules list is a big factor in my first impression of the quality of the server administration. Why should you be whitelisted? I believe I should be whitelisted because I have a lot to contribute to your server! I am a dedicated builder and could be a friendly member of your server community if you whitelist me. How long have you played tekkit for? The beginning of the Summer of 2012. Do you have any experience in Coding, Building, Photoshop?(Others, you might show your work): Building: I am mostly an exterior builder that specializes in big, metropolitan architecture and sprawling industrial parks. I have some experience in medieval western Europe and medieval Middle Eastern architecture as well. I tend to not do very well with interior design and planning, so maybe I can find a partner on your server that could help me. Coding: I am a novice, self-taught C# programmer. I am also familiar with both Java and Python languages. I dipped a little in Lua for ComputerCraft purposes. Photoshop: I use Photoshop occasionally to edit/illustrate images. I don't have significant proficiency in Photoshop. I run CS5 on my system. Others: I am able to edit videos and I write fiction occasionally. Thank you for your consideration!
  2. Name: Fatpaychecks Age: 18 Reason: I'm switching from Tekkit Classic to Tekkit Lite, so I thought this would be a great server to start! I am an exterior builder with specialization on modern urban/industrial architecture, but I have experience with medieval Middle Eastern architecture- I have a portfolio-in-progress if you would like to see my work. I would contribute much to the server in terms of building and being a friendly part of the server community.
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