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Everything posted by krazimaniax1994

  1. Don't mean to be impatient but just curious what the status is on my acceptance/denial is..... Im sorry I hadn't realized you meant you were working on whitelisting...feel kinda noobish now.. Thankyou, can't wait to jump in!
  2. AGE: 18 IGN: krazimaniax Minecraft/Tekkit experience: I have played Minecraft since the "infdev" stage so I've been playing for several years now. I didn't play much multiplayer until about a year ago on a friend's clanforge server and since been hopping on servers to find one that "clicks". I am new to tekkit, only have been playing it for about a week or so now. I still play tekkit and vanilla minecraft and enjoy them both separatley. Never have been banned from any server. Extra information is always appreciated: My mail interest in this server is to play with other friendly people just looking to learn and explore tekkit.
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