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About XDKnife

  • Birthday 02/12/1998

XDKnife's Achievements


Grass (2/9)



  1. Sure, i think i will be your admin or mod.
  2. He said that he added you on skype.
  3. Ok
  4. what is your hamachi neiwork username and password?

  5. I am still admin.
  6. Hello, my ign is dillanvanner. I am looking for a server that needs a co-owner. I am currently looking for staff expirence.
  7. I used to be one.
  8. Looks Very good. Is this server looking for staff members? If so, I think I could be one of them
  9. You need the ip! Whats the ip?
  10. Can somebody tell me a free hosting for a tekkit server. I want to make a tekkit server for my favorite terraria server.
  11. im a little suprised by that, but i will join anyways
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