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bazinga98's Achievements


Grass (2/9)



  1. So did I make it am I on staff
  2. I will help you post the ip
  3. Still need help
  4. Open a tekkit lite server and I will help you
  5. Ok thank you if you are ever looking for staff please keep me in mind
  6. I would like to apply to be a moderator My ign is bazinga980 I have been a head admin on a different server I am 23 and i am good with a lot of different plugins Thank you in advance I also have Skype
  7. When you go on the server talk to the admin me or the owner lambo12001 we will give you the supplies you want to start your adventure and please read the rules below Rules No griefing Don't steal from homes Don't curse / cussing HAVE FUN We have very few items banned And we are a family friendly server so please follow the rules or you can be jailed kicked or banned Please don't beg staff for creative or to be an op We have opening sometimes for extra staff we will pick the best builders and other staff when needed
  8. Yes thank you
  9. It will be up very soon thank you for your patience
  10. It is down right now for maintience it is both pvp and survival it is old and you should join because you it is a really fun server.
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