Welcome to Blockworx Inc.
We have recently acquired a new area of land that is rich with resources, we need your help to mine it. Please submit your application's today. We here at Blockworx strive to make the world better, one block at a time.
We are currently hiring!
Open Positions:
Builder (Must apply for)
Moderator (Can not apply for)
Admin (Can not apply for)
Copy, paste, fill out, and post your application here for our business executives to review:
What is your Minecraft username?
How old are you?
In what country do you live?
Will we find a ban record of you on a banlist like for example mcbans.com?
What is your favorite part of Tekkit/Tekkit Lite?
Have you read through the thread as you should to avoid unnecessary questions later?
What makes you interested in join our team?[
Further more, we support the following work environment aids:
[HawkEye] Server Logs for every block change
[simple Backup/Restart]
[World Border/Edit/Guard]
We at Blockworx prohibit the use of:
TNT, ITNT, MiningLaser, Nuke, Turtles, Deployer, Cannon, Dynamite, CraftpacketStamper, CrystalChest, CraftPackets, and Quarries!
*Exposed Bedrock causes server lag, use miners instead of Quarries*
*To claim a chunk, type /chunk claim (you are allowed 4)*
*To unclaim a chunk, type /chunk unclaim*
Code Of Conduct
Be Respectful
Don't Nag or Spam
Don't grief, hack, dup, and/or cheat
If you didn't build it, don't touch it.
This isn't roleplaying, but act as if you were actually employed.
Before you ask questions, read through this forum post.
There is always a way around item bans, we will catch you using them.
Business Executives:
Mprobison: Owner
Jrobison: Owner
Shadelin_Night: Moderator
Join us at our Reception Center
ServerIP: Tekkit.Blockworx.com
Dynmap: Tekkit.Blockworx.com/map
January 30th, 2013