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About ddryuu7s

  • Birthday 06/05/1996

ddryuu7s's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Age: 16 IGN: ddryuu7s Minecraft/Tekkit experience: I've played Minecraft since Alpha and know it well, but tekkit for half a year, having learned...nothing. Extra information is always appreciated: I'm looking for a nice server to explore and build in, and to learn in, though i'm practising in single player when i'm not in MP. I hate griefing and used to be vigilant in reporting it. (I don't bother anymore, since THE GRIEFERS ARE NEVER CAUGHT FOR SOME REASON) And as far as being banned goes: Banned due to my account being stolen once, but i've since then recovered it and the culprit has since then been caught and dealt with. It was nothing serious really, the whole case was all because my friend was being an idiot (like usual <sigh>), and like I said: i've recovered my account and secured it tightly from since then. Have a good day regardless.
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