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Everything posted by LawrieSmeaton

  1. Thanks file swagger And im not in faction wolfs if u check and u will see. yesterday i killed Scottish-boy twice and that was including the push into lava. as Comment and quoted by final corruption "spawn killing is if you're the leading cause of death from a person dying 3 times . Hitting into lava, counts" so that does not mean i spawn killed him And why can i not stay around warp wild ( As me and YOU were trying to investigate that Scottish boy had a hacked client as i tried to hit him off the edge into lava he fell more than 24 blocks (falling from 24 or more blocks can lead to death) as he had no Armour or ring) a second hit of the edge lead to his death. And last thing if scamming is an unwritten rule it should still be put up on rule board and a risk of this ( ban , temp ban, or jail) Thanks Lawrie
  2. IGN: lawrieSmeaton on the 23rd of January i revived a ban from ( moderator: pwnstar). because of the following things. 1). Scamming ( is not a rule and was not put up on site or rule board, he said that if i don't give goods he threatening that he was going to ban me, At this point of veiw he was trying to make up rules and trying to protect his items form being scammed. 2). At warp wild i was flying about due to the fact me and my mate's were there( Quinten and luuk) at this time me and pwn and i were trying to find out that if ( Scottish_boy) was using a client ) so at (warp Wild ) me and pwn decided to investigate as he was flying a spawn about 1 hour ago until ,all this happened and at this point i was flying about near warp wild that i was with Quinten following him as to see if he had a client as he teleported up to the bedrock platform i killed him as it was natural to kill people in wild , second he teleports back and i hit him of edge and he complained to be spawn killed BUT he decided to tp back, and at this point it is his fault the he decided top tp back into the wild as if he ran out of spawn it would change every thing as it would have followed and then followed him to spawn kill again, Due to the fact he is complaining the first time he uses bad language as a result of this i hit him of the edge in to the lava below, as this was not a spawn kill, as it said burned up in flames. LAST thing : i think that pwnstar shouldn't be a moderator as he decided to make up rules. He uses his powers to threatening me and ban me Scamming isn't on rules and and rule board and why didnt he not just run out from spawn back to place were he was killed as it would count as following from spawn as in rules and counted as a spawn kill. THANKS Hope u take away my 4 day temp ban as i help the server from hackers as i stop 3 people from trying to hack
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