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Everything posted by Engineer_Jimmy

  1. Its been like a week if someone would like to just stop playing the server and actually make a form i think a lot of people would be happy So if you could do that it would be appreciated. And if you've decided to make it private permanently then tell us because theres not much point having a forum if theres no server
  2. id like to play on a nice server IGN: Engineer_Jimmy
  3. IGN:Engineer_Jimmy Why I want to join the server? I love small servers as it has a better social interaction and you are more likely to make friends than enemies Least favourite Minecraft animal? Mine would have to be skeletons because they can snipe without you being able to get close to them.
  4. IGN: Engineer_Jimmy I love playing tekkit and tekkit lite becasue it gives me the oppurtunity to be creative with my buildings and to build cool machines with awesome abilities(eg. macerator doubles ingot amount from ores)
  5. ive already registered and it says im not whitelisted. I have already been in game and ive built a far bit. Help!!!
  6. Your in-game name:Engineer_Jimmy What do you like to be called by? (Like being called Tom instead of Thomas) :Jimmy Timezone*:UTC:+10.00 How long did you play Minecraft/Tekkit?:I have played minecraft for 2 years and tekkit one year Why do you want to join ?:I want to play in a server without people just griefing your stuff like public servers What can you offer to make this server better? (Screenshots/videos/experience*) :I can other amazing building experience to new players About yourself (age, gender, interests, where you're from, etc) :I'm a 14 year old male from Australia and I like making massive projects in Minecraft?Tekkit
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