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Everything posted by kybonator

  1. I may have been banned on my friends server aswell (Jonny59000) because i let another person use my account
  2. IGN: Kybonator Age: 13 What country are you from? America Why TotalTekkit? I am getting back into tekkit and looking for a fun AND friendly server to play on. Would i find your name on MCBANS? If so why? I have been banned from one server when i first started playing minecraft in 2011 for griefing ( Listening to a mean friend ) Do you agree to the rules above? Yes
  3. In game name:kybonator Age:13 in feb. Time playing Tekkit-lite: when it came out i played it and i have been playing tekkit classic for about a year and a half. Have you been banned: Once when i first started my friend told me too help him destroy his house and i got banned. Why would you like to play on this server:I like a friendly private community with few or no griefers.
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