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Everything posted by TheyCallMeCreep

  1. By you wanna xp grind I meant "do YOU wanna xp grind?" But whatever I give up trying to explain this simple thing to you
  2. I just ask that you simply look back through the console at our conversation, and think about what we said.
  3. You want more players? Let us speak before you just ban us
  4. MJ Why would you ban me? I was talking to PeaShooter about why he wanted my iron, I assumed he wanted to take it, and run off, so I asked him some questions regarding what I considered possible other reasons, and you took it as "Hey lets get infinite MCMMO XP man!" Which was by no means what I meant. I want to play on this server and I was banned for a sad, sad misunderstanding.. I want to be pardoned.
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