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Posts posted by spartanyanni

  1. It is? And here I thought this was a hobby of some really nice guys.

    You Cheap bums! You shanghaied me into being a moderator and didn't even put me on the payroll?

    I want my 5 months back pay! Where do I send my W-4 tax withholding form, and what state are the taxes files with?

    Neo! How dare you! Acting like your free of blame here! We all know your paid a commission for every poor innocent soul you ban!

  2. A lot of non-working packs got cleaned out earlier. Any packs which weren't downloadable at the time we went through were deleted. They are restorable, but the owner of the pack will need to come back and prove to us that they got permanent, reliable hosting in order for their pack to be restored.

    Around how many do you think we're deleted?

  3. I'm really ashamed of you being that retarded. If you go further, you will make the entire Turkish population look retarded, beginning with yourself.

    Don't worry. They already did that to themselves a while ago.

  4. Why in gods name are you stuck on post 24?

    Regarding post 24, yeah, it would be a first, no one who barged into my thread and acted like a douche got penalized at all. I was the only one who got banned.

    What you fail to comprhend is that it was YOU who instigated any hostilities by being ignorant and offensive.

  5. Actually, this post is about coming here for help. It has nothing to do with what you said.

    Do you have a short term memory problem? You commented on my lack of punishment, probably because you think this is a pc dominated community. I responded with something clarifying that, and apparently you can't recognize that.

  6. Well... At least he didn't sign his posts... And technically he posted I the right section, so il throw you a bone.

    Your friend needs to ad you as a OP of the server. To do this, he needs to type in /op then your name in the server console

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