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About BoaConstructor

  • Birthday 09/19/1990

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  1. I'm aware of what RAM is, but thanks for the accurate explanation. I've already set my graphics settings to the lowest and I haven't had any results. You could be right about the 32-bit 64-bit java difference. I completely forgot that my iMac is 64-bit. I'll just fix it myself, manually.
  2. I didn't repeat
  3. I'm here to help and I'm here to get help.

  4. Try choosing "Always use recommended builds."
  5. Now, the only available download from technicpack.net is for 3.1.2. I have had the same problem where it says that you're missing mods; here's how to solve it: 1. Open Technic Launcher and choose Tekkit Classic. 2. Click on the "Options" button below the "Login" button. 3. There will be a couple of options that say, "Always use developmental builds." and "Always use recommended builds." Choose "Always use developmental builds." for 3.1.3 (newer version) and "Always use recommended builds." for 3.1.2. Then log in. There may be a window that says there is an update available for Tekkit and it will ask if you want to download it. Click "Yes." If this window doesn't show up, it still might work. Don't attempt to update any mods yourself, because Tekkit is only compatible with specific versions. Tell your friends to change to the correct version as well. Hope this helped!
  6. This is very simple. In Technic Launcher, choose Tekkit classic, and click on the "Options" button under the "Login" button. Choose "Always use developmental builds" for 3.1.3 (latest version) and "Always use recommended builds" for 3.1.2 (standard version.) If there is a window that says there is an update for Tekkit, click "yes" to update. You need to update to change versions. Hope this helped!
  7. Tekkit Lite is missing a lot of things that are in Tekkit Classic. If you're running a large server, you should probably use Tekkit Classic to please most of your users.
  8. Now, the only available download from technicpack.net is for 3.1.2. I have had the same problem; here's how to solve it: 1. Open Technic Launcher and choose Tekkit Classic. 2. Click on the "Options" button below the "Login" button. 3. There will be a couple of options that say, "Always use developmental builds." and "Always use recommended builds." Choose "Always use developmental builds." And log in. There may be a window that says there is an update available for Tekkit and it will ask if you want to download it. Click "Yes." If this window doesn't show up, it still might work. Hope this helped!
  9. Hello, I would like to dedicate 3 or more GB of RAM to Tekkit, but I only get the option for 512MB, 1GB and 1536MB (2GB). Screenshot: https://www.dropbox.com/s/iq6jz3m8b47wdly/javaw%202013-01-30%2008-39-19-20.bmp The reason I want to use more RAM is that Tekkit always freezes and I have to force-quit it. If I try to launch Minecraft with Magic Launcher and I put in the custom amount of RAM, it can't initiate the Java VM for some reason. I'm assuming that this issue has to do with Java, not my hardware, because I have 3GB of RAM on the laptop I am using. I also have an iMac with 4GB of RAM and the same processor as my laptop and the Java VM on there is able to go up to 16GB of RAM. But, that computer does have a 1 Terabyte HDD and my laptop has a tiny 80GB. Still, I should be able to use all 3GB of my RAM on my laptop. Is there any way to allocate all of my RAM to Tekkit? Or at least prevent it from crashing all the time. Thanks!
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