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Everything posted by Chlorek

  1. Hi there. I am programming some mod using Forge and I found one bug - when I spawn entity (pigzombie in this case) it spawns two PigZombies, one is normal (walking around etc), the 2nd one is stuck, it can't be hurt and does not move. When I leave world and come back there again it disappear. My code: public boolean itemInteractionForEntity(ItemStack is, EntityPlayer playerEntity, EntityLivingBase targetEntity) { World world = playerEntity.worldObj; EntityCreature creature; if(targetEntity instanceof EntityZombie) creature = new EntityPigZombie(world); else if(targetEntity instanceof EntityCow) creature = new EntityMooshroom(world); else return false; Vec3 pos = targetEntity.getPosition(1.0F); targetEntity.setDead(); world.playSoundEffect((double)pos.xCoord + 0.5D, (double)pos.yCoord + 0.5D, (double)pos.zCoord + 0.5D, "fire.ignite", 1.0F, itemRand.nextFloat() * 0.4F + 0.8F); world.spawnEntityInWorld(creature); creature.setPosition(pos.xCoord, pos.yCoord, pos.zCoord); is.damageItem(10, playerEntity); return true; } I'm begginer with Minecraft modding. Thanks for help.
  2. Hi there. I am new to Minecraft Modding (I know bascis of Forge), but I am experienced with Java and BukkitAPI. However this time I am writing some mod without any other "core" mod. Pure Vanilla functions etc. So, I don't know how to add simple hotkeys to toggle functions in my mod. Probably answer is really simple, but I have no time to search in source code. I tried 'googling' but I haven't found anything. Thanks for help, Chlorek. Sorry for my English ;>
  3. Hi, I was playing TekkitLite 0.5.6, I found that there is TekkitLite 0.5.7 available, so I downloaded it and while installing I got an error "Update failed!" in a little pop-up window. I looked to the log file to see this: [16:04:36] [sEVERE] Downloaded '\temp\enderstorage-v1.3.1.1.zip' [16:04:36] [sEVERE] Extracting \temp\enderstorage-v1.3.1.1.zip to \tekkitlite [16:04:36] [sEVERE] java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero [16:04:36] [sEVERE] at org.spoutcraft.launcher.GameUpdater.extractCompressedFile(GameUpdater.java:252) [16:04:36] [sEVERE] at org.spoutcraft.launcher.modpacks.ModPackUpdater.updateMod(ModPackUpdater.java:197) [16:04:36] [sEVERE] at org.spoutcraft.launcher.modpacks.ModPackUpdater.updateModPackMods(ModPackUpdater.java:82) [16:04:36] [sEVERE] at org.spoutcraft.launcher.gui.LoginForm$3.doInBackground(LoginForm.java:831) [16:04:36] [sEVERE] at org.spoutcraft.launcher.gui.LoginForm$3.doInBackground(LoginForm.java:807) [16:04:36] [sEVERE] at javax.swing.SwingWorker$1.call(Unknown Source) [16:04:36] [sEVERE] at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(Unknown Source) [16:04:36] [sEVERE] at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(Unknown Source) [16:04:36] [sEVERE] at javax.swing.SwingWorker.run(Unknown Source) [16:04:36] [sEVERE] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) [16:04:36] [sEVERE] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source) [16:04:36] [sEVERE] at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) Moreover, it's werid, because when I try to download and install any older version (including 0.5.6 that was working before), I see this error all the time! I am using Java 7u13 64bit (latest). I have also 32bit version for my webbrowser. What's going on? Please, help.
  4. Thanks for that "support". I am just teenager that loves programming and makes plugins for friends. From time to time I release something, I am happy to hear that what I do is nice.
  5. EE2 is good for easy freebuild and survival servers. It allows to get rich quickly, so it is pure "For Fun" mod. But... people like it, even me, so I though to make plugin for this.
  6. Hi, I want to show You my new plugin - RootExchange. This plugin adds Equivalent Exchange 2 functionality to your Minecraft Bukkit Server without client mods. Plugin do its best to bring everything that what is possible without client mods. However it still lets to do very much! Even more - it is lightweight - no lags! OFFICIAL PROJECT SITE (click link above!) Features: Configurable EMC values for every item you want Energy Condensers Almost no commands (users should use command to check EMC only) Permissions support for everything in the plugin Items use cool-downs (Advanced items won't lag your server! Config Support!) Watch of Flowing Time Destruction Catalyst (Works with WorldGuard regions! No grief!) Own Crafting System called RECrafting (Craft with stacks of items!) Alchemy Bag (Using Ender Chest inventory!) Swiftwofl's Rending Gale (You can fly!) Still in development! I have many more ideas, but I have not much time to write plugins/mods/programs.
  7. Hi there. I am doing something important and I found that I need list of all normal minecraft items EMC values added by EE2 mod. Anyone know where I can find the list? I need just ID : (Damage) and EMC value. Thanks for help. #Edit I didn't find any list, so I made one myself (!!! Values are a bit changed for mc 1.4.7 - but no warranty it is correct!!!) 1-X: 1 2-X: 1 3-X: 1 4-X: 1 5-X: 8 6-X: 32 7-X: 0 12-X: 1 13-X: 4 14-X: 0 15-X: 0 16-X: 0 17-X: 32 18-X: 1 19-X: 0 20-X: 1 21-X: 0 22-X: 7776 23-X: 119 24-X: 4 25-X: 128 27-X: 2048 28-X: 256 29-X: 372 30-X: 12 31-X: 1 32-X: 1 33-X: 348 35-X: 48 37-X: 16 38-X: 16 39-X: 32a 40-X: 32 41-X: 18432 42-X: 2304 43-0: 0 43-1: 0 43-2: 0 43-3: 0 43-4: 0 43-5: 0 44-0: 1 44-1: 2 44-2: 4 44-3: 1 44-4: 32 44-5: 1 44-6: 2 45-X: 64 46-X: 964 47-X: 336 48-X: 145 49-X: 64 50-X: 9 51-X: 0 52-X: 0 53-X: 12 54-X: 64 56-X: 0 57-X: 73728 58-X: 32 60-X: 0 61-X: 8 #65-X: 14 but it is a bit wrong I think 65-X: 9 66-X: 96 67-X: 1 69-X: 5 70-X: 2 72-X: 16 73-X: 0 76-X: 68 77-X: 2 78-X: 0 79-X: 1 80-X: 1 81-X: 8 82-X: 64 84-X: 8256 85-X: 12 86-X: 144 87-X: 1 88-X: 49 89-X: 1536 91-X: 144 96-X: 24 97-X: 0 98-X: 1 99-X: 0 100-X: 0 101-X: 96 102-X: 0 103-X: 144 106-X: 8 107-X: 32 108-X: 96 109-X: 1 110-X: 1 111-X: 16 112-X: 4 113-X: 4 114-X: 6 115-X: 0 116-X: 16736 121-X: 1 122-X: 139264 123-X: 1792 256-0: 264 257-0: 776 258-0: 776 259-X: 260 260-X: 128 261-X: 48 262-X: 14 263-0: 128 263-1: 32 264-X: 8192 265-X: 256 266-X: 2048 267-0: 516 268-0: 20 269-0: 16 270-0: 32 271-0: 32 272-0: 6 273-0: 9 274-0: 11 275-0: 11 276-0: 16388 277-0: 8200 278-0: 24584 279-0: 24584 280-X: 4 281-X: 6 282-X: 70 283-0: 4100 284-0: 2056 285-0: 6152 286-0: 6152 287-X: 12 288-X: 48 289-X: 192 290-0: 24 291-0: 10 292-0: 520 293-0: 16392 294-0: 4104 295-X: 16 296-X: 24 297-X: 72 298-0: 320 299-9: 512 300-0: 448 301-0: 256 302-0: 0 303-0: 0 304-0: 0 305-0: 0 306-0: 1280 307-0: 2048 308-0: 1792 309-0: 1024 310-0: 40960 311-0: 65536 312-0: 57344 313-0: 32768 314-0: 10240 315-0: 16384 316-0: 14336 317-0: 8192 318-X: 4 319-X: 64 320-X: 64 321-X: 80 322-X: 0 323-X: 16 324-X: 48 325-X: 768 326-X: 769 327-X: 832 328-X: 1280 329-X: 192 330-X: 1536 331-X: 64 332-X: 0 333-X: 40 334-X: 64 335-X: 849 336-X: 16 337-X: 16 338-X: 32 339-X: 32 340-X: 160 341-X: 24 342-X: 1344 343-X: 1288 344-X: 32 345-X: 1088 346-X: 12 347-X: 8256 348-X: 384 349-X: 64 350-X: 64 351-X: 8 351-3: 128 351-4: 864 351-15: 48 352-X: 144 353-X: 32 354-X: 411 355-X: 144 356-X: 203 357-X: 22 358-X: 1344 259-X: 512 360-X: 16 361-X: 36 362-X: 16 363-X: 64 364-X: 64 365-X: 64 366-X: 64 367-X: 24 368-X: 1024 369-X: 1536 370-X: 4096 371-X: 227 372-X: 24 374-X: 1 375-X: 128 376-X: 192 377-X: 768 378-X: 792 379-X: 0 380-X: 1792 381-X: 1792 382-X: 243 384-X: 0 385-X: 298 Syntax in my list is: ID - Damage : EMC When X used instead of Damage it is any value that does not pass others. I hope it will help someone. But be careful, it's just made list, no tests, so there can be problems in 1.4.7. #Sorry for my english, I am polish
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