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Everything posted by brodster121

  1. I have been trying to launch a server but it keeps saying in the cmd panel: C:\Users\owner\Desktop\Tekkit Classic Server>java -Xmx3G -Xms2G -jar Tekkit.jar nogui 'java' is not recongnized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. C:\Users\owner\Desktop\Tekkit Classic Server>pause Press and key to continue... and when i do is closes the cmd panel, can anyone help me? please.
  2. Username: brodster121 Age: 15 How long have you been playing Minecraft?: 3 years Do you know much about Voltz?: not to much i was hoping to be taught some more Why do you want to play on this server?: i want to play on a server that no one will greif me while im learning and i want to make a company What do you like doing in Minecraft/Voltz?: making companys, towers, and factorys
  3. o and mj isnt using foul language against the rules and since ur calling me an ass wipe and loser i do belive u should ban urself, o and u have nothing to say about my last comment well that just proves that i win
  4. im telling the truth i didnt ask and i dont have a server i was just telling him he needed hamachi for the way i found in youtube
  5. someone asked if anyone knew how to make a server and i said yea but only a lan 1 and he asked if we could go on a server i make and i told him he needed hamachi and i got banned. why?
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