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About Org

  • Birthday 11/11/1994

Org's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. -updated OP with updated info- We're still up and running! Feel free to come and check by, we're always welcoming new players of all ages! :)
  2. Server is up and running, come have a chat and try it out!
  3. You could tunnel the traffic via a proxy for example. It's most likely not worth the trouble, and your school probably has set up its restrictions for a reason. There is a bit tinkering involved but if you really feel that you have to play during school you should look up some free proxy servers and connect to the internet through those. Can't recommend any, because I don't know any, but I'm sure Google can help you with that. Cheers, Org
  4. Tekkit, like a Sir! http://mustachebrigade.enjin.com/

  5. "Tekkit like a Sir" ~ Open 24/7 ~ 45 slots ~ Towny ~ SignShop ~ Much more! www.mustachebrigade.enjin.com | Server: mustachebrigade.zapto.org The Mustache Brigade would like to invite you to play on our server. When you visit the server you will enter into the main world where we setup our towns and creations. You can either join someone's town or start your own, it is very easy and we will help you all the way. We promote mature and fair gameplay, and to ensure that your gaming experience is of top quality we have a tight team of Moderators and Administrators who always do their best to create the best gaming environment. Administrating and running the server is an experienced server owner and programmer, this makes bugfixing easy and allows for very smooth gameplay. We choose to build our group of players based on trust, and we trust you right from the start meaning that there's no need to write some tedious application - just join us and help us build one of the best Minecraft servers ever. We have been an active server since October 2012 when the server first saw daylight, since then our progress has been amazing and we have met many great people along the way. We intend to keep providing an awesome gaming experience for a very, very long time. It is incredibly easy to start playing with us, we've chosen to skip all the fuss about applications unlike other servers to let you be able to play with us faster than ever! We provide a detailed guide on how to join us and install our custom modpack here. The server address is: mustachebrigade.zapto.org. If you already have the new launcher, simply add our Platform URL: http://www.technicpack.net/api/modpack/the-mustache-pack Pssst! If your skin has a mustache you are elegible to receive a $1000 reward upon joining, contact a M++ or an Admin. Our modpack is based on Tekkit Lite and we intend to follow in the same footsteps with a slightly different path. We are forking off from the tasty Tekkit Lite and adding other mods that we think are great. Some of our mods and plugins, not counting our custom plugins we use to administer the server, are listed below. • Coreprotect • Dynmap • iConomy • Towny • Worldborder • Redpower • ComputerCraft • Buildcraft • Thermal Expansion • Useful Foods • Industrial Craft 2 • TabbyChat • And more... Disabled items and or mods: • All explosives. We like to keep our server as clean as possible • Equivalent Exchange 3. Until we can see where this mod is heading we have chosen not to enable it. • Mystcraft. • World Anchors. We make use of Dimensional Anchors instead. (Spawn) (Bird's eye over spawn) (Spawn, Museum in the back, Market on both sides) (Fully functional Casino) (Our beloved Walmart) • Website. • Server rules and further info. • Detailed tutorial on how to join. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. Try the item ID 181:5 which I think is the new ID for crystal chests.
  7. I'm bumping this thread. Has anyone found any other items that could easily cause the server to divide everything by zero?
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