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About Robot551

  • Birthday 06/26/1989

Robot551's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Hello I found a fix for the windows bug where voltz downloads and opens but stops on the Hello message. It seems to be something with LWJGL so follow these steps and it might work (no guarantees) Now I've made a few assumptions here as in you know where these folders are if not then look for a bit 1) Download Voltz let it fail 2) Get the newest version of LWJGL 3) in the Voltz folder in the bin folder in the native folder replace jinput-dx8.dll jinput-dx8_64.dll jinput-raw.dll jinput-raw_64.dll lwjgl.dll lwjgl64.dll OpenAL32.dll OpenAL64.dll 4) Under the bin folder replace jinput.jar lwjgl.jar lwjgl_util.jar 5) Run Voltz Pro tip: also works on tekkit lite May make a video if enough people ask for it....please don't
  2. For those of you who don't want to watch an lets play with 5 seconds of useless help at the end, all the suggestion was..... use recommended build
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