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About Servidion

  • Birthday 01/26/1983

Servidion's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Does anyone happen to know where I can get a legit version of MCPC+ (Or Cauldron) for 1.6.4 that won't have these crashing issues when someone joins? The Cauldron site has all it's downloads disabled for a Spigot update (No idea what that is) so I can't get it there and the other sites that say they have it seem sketchy at best.
  2. The long and short of it is in the title. I have the crash report here, aswell. Don't know what most of it means. Sorry I have no idea how to put it in the spoiler box thing to shorten it. *edited for hastebin* Thanks The_Doctors_Life. http://hastebin.com/ayacujetoj.dos @plowmanplow I'll see if I can find the most up-to-date version of MCPC+ for 1.6.4. I had issues finding one earlier since they changed to Cauldron and took down their downloads.
  3. So I run my own server with a handful of people and I like a variety of things on my server. One issue I have is explosives. I have mob griefing turned off and that stops creepers, biggolems, enderman, etc from wrecking the landscape (and capital city), but that doesn't stop things like Explosive Arrows from Bailkon's Weapon Mod, and the Ice Beast in MoCreatures, and the Nuclear Gauntlet from Aliens vs Predators, and basic TnT. I run 1.5.2 and so far nothing bukkit related has been updated so I can't put up worldguard again. Not that it did anything against Nuclear Gauntlets, etc. Is there any way to blanket-out explosive damage to the terrain?
  4. http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/details/servidions-elysium.18169 Build whatever you want outside the city, try not to grief too much, and please don't stack a billion tnt to crash the server. Wouldn't want to blacklist items. We have a small group of friends on a private server and could use some more company, especially in the city. The npcs are getting lonely. There's a major city, a dungeon with 4 bosses (very basic so far), shop npcs, an economy using coins in your inventory as currency, quests will be coming once the shops are done. Expected to be up 24/7. I restart now and again when nobody is online. If it needs a restart when people are on I ask if I can restart it. Sometimes they ask for 10 mins to finish something up. You get the idea. The people on the server are fairly easy going. There's me and my wife building the major city hub of the server (about 50% complete), a friend who's always suggesting new mods to try out, another who gets very grumpy now and again about his job, and another who likes to dig holes and plant gardens. We could use more variety without griefing. lol Don't really have an "application" to the server, per-say, just post here or send me an email at [email protected] letting me know what you'd like to do. Just looking for about 5-10 active players. Mods include - Auditori, Jammy Furniture, Weeping Angels, Atmos Mobs, Bibliocraft, BuffBarMod, Custom NPCs, Damage Indicators, Divine RPG, Dungeon Pack, Extrabiomes XL, Mutant Creatures, Pam's Weee! Flowers, Redpower, Thaumcraft 3, Traincraft. TL;DR Looking for 5-10 more people to play on our whitelisted server. Major city, shops, mercenaries, worldguard, quests to come, 1 dungeon so far, no serious rules.
  5. Alright so my current Modpack works just fine, for the most part, though sometimes electricity in UE doesn't work as anticipated. Anyway I updated my ICBM (had an old one: v1.0.3.129) to the new 3-pack Explosion, Contraption, and Sentry and now I seem to be getting Universal Electricity errors. Not sure what's causing it. I'm not the best at building modpacks, but they work. Anyway here's an error report: ---- Minecraft Crash Report ---- // There are four lights! Time: 22/03/13 3:54 PM Description: Exception in server tick loop java.lang.VerifyError: (class: universalelectricity/prefab/network/PacketManager, method: getPacketWithID signature: (Ljava/lang/String;I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Lei;) Wrong return type in function at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredConstructors0(Native Method) at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredConstructors(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Class.getConstructor0(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Unknown Source) at cpw.mods.fml.common.network.NetworkModHandler.tryCreatingPacketHandler(NetworkModHandler.java:176) at cpw.mods.fml.common.network.NetworkModHandler.<init>(NetworkModHandler.java:114) at cpw.mods.fml.common.network.FMLNetworkHandler.registerNetworkMod(FMLNetworkHandler.java:249) at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLModContainer.constructMod(FMLModContainer.java:456) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) at com.google.common.eventbus.EventHandler.handleEvent(EventHandler.java:69) at com.google.common.eventbus.SynchronizedEventHandler.handleEvent(SynchronizedEventHandler.java:45) at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.dispatch(EventBus.java:317) at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.dispatchQueuedEvents(EventBus.java:300) at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.post(EventBus.java:268) at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage(LoadController.java:140) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) at com.google.common.eventbus.EventHandler.handleEvent(EventHandler.java:69) at com.google.common.eventbus.SynchronizedEventHandler.handleEvent(SynchronizedEventHandler.java:45) at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.dispatch(EventBus.java:317) at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.dispatchQueuedEvents(EventBus.java:300) at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.post(EventBus.java:268) at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage(LoadController.java:83) at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.loadMods(Loader.java:479) at cpw.mods.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.beginServerLoading(FMLServerHandler.java:86) at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStart(FMLCommonHandler.java:345) at ho.c(DedicatedServer.java:64) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:458) at fy.run(SourceFile:849) A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- System Details -- Details: Minecraft Version: 1.4.7 Operating System: Windows 7 (amd64) version 6.1 Java Version: 1.7.0_05, Oracle Corporation Java VM Version: Java HotSpot 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation Memory: 837622736 bytes (798 MB) / 1029046272 bytes (981 MB) up to 2863333376 bytes (2730 MB) JVM Flags: 2 total; -Xmx3G -Xms1G AABB Pool Size: 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) allocated, 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) used Suspicious classes: FML and Forge are installed IntCache: cache: 0, tcache: 0, allocated: 0, tallocated: 0 FML: MCP v7.26 FML v4.7.4.520 Minecraft Forge 53 mods loaded, 53 mods active mcp [Minecraft Coder Pack] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed FML [Forge Mod Loader] (coremods) Unloaded->Constructed Forge [Minecraft Forge] (coremods) Unloaded->Constructed CodeChickenCore [CodeChicken Core] (coremods) Unloaded->Constructed NotEnoughItems [Not Enough Items] (coremods) Unloaded->Constructed BukkitForge [bukkitForge] (BukkitForge-1.4.7-255.jar) Unloaded->Constructed BlockBreak [block Break Event] (BukkitForge-1.4.7-255.jar) Unloaded->Constructed jammyfurniture [Jammy Furniture Mod] (1.4.7_Jammy_Furniture_Mod_V4.1.zip) Unloaded->Constructed BasicComponents [basic Components] (BasicComponents_v1.3.0.352.jar) Unloaded AssemblyLine [Assembly Line] (AssemblyLine_v0.2.8.87.jar) Unloaded AtmosMobs [Atmosmobs mod] (AtmosMobs.zip) Unloaded AtomicScience [Atomic Science] (AtomicScience_v0.4.1.162.jar) Unloaded BiblioCraft [biblioCraft] (BiblioCraft[v1.1.0].zip) Unloaded BlastCraft [blastCraft] (BlastCraft_v0.6.1.25.jar) Unloaded mod_BuffBarMod [buff Bar Mod] (BuffBarModv0.6.1.zip) Unloaded BuildCraft|Core [buildCraft] (buildcraft-A-3.4.3.jar) Unloaded BuildCraft|Builders [bC Builders] (buildcraft-A-3.4.3.jar) Unloaded BuildCraft|Energy [bC Energy] (buildcraft-A-3.4.3.jar) Unloaded BuildCraft|Factory [bC Factory] (buildcraft-A-3.4.3.jar) Unloaded BuildCraft|Transport [bC Transport] (buildcraft-A-3.4.3.jar) Unloaded BuildCraft|Silicon [bC Silicon] (buildcraft-A-3.4.3.jar) Unloaded CoFHCore [CoFH Core] (CoFHCore- Unloaded DamageIndicatorsMod [Damage Indicators] (DamageIndicators[1.4.7]2.4.8.zip) Unloaded DungeonPack [DungeonPack] (DungeonPack 1.4.7 v1 Universal.zip) Unloaded ElectricExpansion [Electric Expansion] (ElectricExpansion_v1.4.7.jar) Unloaded ExtrabiomesXL [ExtrabiomesXL] (ExtrabiomesXL-universal-1.4.7-3.11.0.jar) Unloaded Liquid Mechanics [Liquid Mechanics] (Fluid-Mechanics_v0.2.6.14.jar) Unloaded ICBM|Contraption [iCBM|Contraption] (ICBM_Contraption_v1.0.5.166 (1).jar) Unloaded ICBM|Sentry [iCBM|Sentry] (ICBM_Sentry_v1.0.5.166 (1).jar) Unloaded ICBM|Explosion [iCBM|Explosion] (ICBM_Explosion_v1.0.5.166 (3).jar) Unloaded InfernalMobs [infernal Mobs] (InfernalMobs_1.4.6.zip) Unloaded Mekanism [Mekanism] (Mekanism-v5.4.1.jar) Unloaded MekanismGenerators [MekanismGenerators] (MekanismGenerators-v5.4.1.jar) Unloaded MekanismTools [MekanismTools] (MekanismTools-v5.4.1.jar) Unloaded ThermalExpansion [Thermal Expansion] (ThermalExpansion- Unloaded ModularForceFieldSystem [Modular ForceField System V2] (ModularForceFieldSystemV2. Unloaded mmmPowersuits [MachineMuse's Modular Powersuits] (ModularPowersuits-0.3.2-199.jar) Unloaded Myths&Monsters [Myths&Monsters] (Myths-and-Monsters-Mod-1.4.7.zip) Unloaded Railcraft [Railcraft] (Railcraft_1.4.6- Unloaded RedPowerCore [RedPower] (RedPowerCore-2.0pr6.zip) Unloaded RedPowerBase [RP Base] (RedPowerCore-2.0pr6.zip) Unloaded RedPowerMachine [RP Machine] (RedPowerMechanical-2.0pr6.zip) Unloaded RedPowerCompat [RP Compat] (RedPowerCompat-2.0pr6.zip) Unloaded RedPowerWiring [RP Wiring] (RedPowerDigital-2.0pr6.zip) Unloaded RedPowerLogic [RP Logic] (RedPowerDigital-2.0pr6.zip) Unloaded RedPowerLighting [RP Lighting] (RedPowerDigital-2.0pr6.zip) Unloaded RedPowerWorld [RP World] (RedPowerMechanical-2.0pr6.zip) Unloaded RedPowerControl [RP Control] (RedPowerMechanical-2.0pr6.zip) Unloaded SyntaCraft [syntaCraft] (SyntaCraft0.5.0.1.jar) Unloaded Thaumcraft [Thaumcraft] (Thaumcraft3.0.3.zip) Unloaded ThermalExpansion|Factory [Factory] (ThermalExpansion- Unloaded ThermalExpansion|Energy [Energy] (ThermalExpansion- Unloaded ThermalExpansion|Transport [Transport] (ThermalExpansion- Unloaded Profiler Position: N/A (disabled) Is Modded: Definitely; Server brand changed to 'fml' Type: Dedicated Server (map_server.txt) Here's the Zip https://www.dropbox.com/s/ctts3y7esdhsxlr/Servidion%27s%20Elysium%202.3.zip Also if anyone could get Divine RPG in there without the server exploding that would be a plus. lol
  6. I'm actually not sure. I don't need any amazing permissions, I just want people to be able to use teleporters and be able to BE teleported by OPs. This is what my PermissionsEX looks like. groups: default: default: true permissions: - modifyworld.* Quite drab, I know. I Use TelePads and Runecraft for teleporters and as an OP I use the generic /tp command, but it only works on other OPs. Telepads Link http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/telepads/ I tried adding telepads.use under -modifyworld.* but that didn't seem to have any effect. I use notepad++. Is there a blanket permission that allows people to be teleported by plugins/ops?
  7. Anyone know much about writing/editing a permissions file? Such as with PermissionsEX?
  8. @ISOForest Odd thing is that I've never used a permissions plugin before and people were able to use runecraft's teleporters without being OPs until a couple of months ago. But anyway I installed Essentials (Love the default settings, but have no idea how to do anything beyond that), and PermissionsEX. I really absolutely have no idea what to do with a permissions plugin. I want people to be able to use TelePads and Runecraft teleporters, but no /tp commands of any sort. I have a massive arena that you can enter but not exit. Don't want people undermining that with a /tp command. @Becomplex114 It's actually an old version of Runecraft. Not up to date at all, but neither is my Server. I think my Tekkit runs Minecraft 1.2.5 or something along those lines and I've had this Runecraft plugin since before I even started running Tekkit. I just keep moving the .jar from server to server. lol Might want to try an older version of Runecraft for your Tekkit. I'm not exactly up-to-date with the going-ons with Tekkit, but from what I understand (And I don't understand a lot with this), it hasn't been updated to the latest Minecraft yet.
  9. Guess this problem isn't something many people have encountered.
  10. Alright so I've had a plugin called Runecraft for a very long time and it's worked for everyone on my server until a couple months ago. It pretty much stopped working for anyone not OP. I also can't seem to /tp anyone unless they are OP themselves. I then got a plugin called Telepads which also works for OPs, but nobody else. Also the tekkit teleporter itself only works for OPs. I would assume this has to do with permissions, but I don't have a permissions plugin. I wanted everyone to be able to use these teleporters and telepads (without them being OP). I am the server owner, I'm not exactly code-savvy, and I don't grasp permissions plugins at all. Looks like jibberish to me. Any help would be appreciated.
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