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Everything posted by renaxi

  1. Hello, i got a big problem and hope you can help me, i will try to explain as good as i can. So i just started to setup a tekkit lite server. And choose GP as my anti-grief plugin, as i seen GP used on other tekkit lite servers. However, when i try to claim 10x10 land, as and not as an OP, it says "You don't have enough blocks, to claim that entire area. You need 93097 more blocks" This in my opinions seems redicioules. Explosion above sea level do also make damage to the surrondings. TNT, Nuke, Dynamite and Nuclear reactor, they all do. Plugins i use: Mcmmo, grief prevention, essentails(chat spawn eco), Vault, bpermissions, Masterpromote and chestshop. Hope you can help me. regards Renaxi
  2. Post white-app, you might wanna go check
  3. What is your Minecraft username? renaxi How old are you? 17 In what country do you live?Im from Denmark Will we find a ban record of you on a banlist like for example mcbans.com? Haven't been banned, so i shouldn't be on any of thise sites. Have you read through the thread as you should to avoid unnecessary questions later? Ye, i have read it all through. What is the command to claim a chunk? (Answered in the thread) /chunk claim
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