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Everything posted by skylanderluke

  1. Server down could you put it back up?
  2. Name:Luke ign:skylanderlue age/sex:11 m why this server:I like whitelisted servers cause there are no noobs and there are stuff e.g. I can't get an diamond cause it as been mined by somoene else favourite mod:buildcraft why should we accept you:Well 1.I obey all rules 2.I never spam or swear 3.I am nice and kind Record:I have never been banned on a server ever Email:[email protected]
  3. name:Luke age:11 mc name:skylanderluke preffered tekkit mod: i like all of them are you banned in any other servers(y/n): nope i am very nice and helpfull
  4. Errrrr the server is not working for me on my tekkit lite and i have windows vista please help
  5. ign:skylanderluke Age:13 how long have you been playing the awesome game:since alpha Do you know much about voltz?:ya i have watched youtube videos on it so ik kinda what i am doing why do you want to play on this server:because i can't find any else without white-list or without mods what do you like doing on minecraft/voltz:if ya really wanna know well normal stuff mining/crafting/slaying.But the best part is online because you get to meet more people .
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