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Everything posted by DBD_DarkGrnTigr

  1. Issue has been resolved. No need to follow this thread to anyone that comes here.
  2. I went on the website, and it told me that I needed the Forge Mod Loader, the Micdoodle8 Core Plug-in, and then I downloaded the updated Galacticraft Coremod and the Galacticraft Planets Coremod. I was able to successfully download them all, however when I tried to run the launcher, an error with the micdoodle8 plug-in caused a fatal crash. The instructions on the website told me to put all of the files into the coremods folder. However, the FML setup can't launch the micdoodle8 plug-in, and the updated version does not work. If I remove the older version, then the mod is not there at all. Galacticraft is part of the Tekkit pack, if that's what your original question was. Edit: I think I just found out the problem: The modpack has been formatted for 1.6.4, but technic has not been updated for compatibility with 1.6.4. I will just have to wait and see then.
  3. After trying to download the updated version of Galacticraft, I attempted to run the launcher, however the FML screen soon reports to me that there has been a fatal error when attempting to load the Micdoodle8 core plug-in. I removed it, but the version of Galacticraft that then runs, is still the old one. What is going on, and how do I resolve it?
  4. Usually this is associated with jre error, and the loader thinks that you already have something running in Java. Go into your command prompt and type in tasklist. Scroll down until you see a task called Java.exe. Look over to the right at the PID number. Be sure to write it down, so that you don't accidently shut down any other programs. Now type into command prompt taskkill /PID #####, with that number you wrote down after the /PID. That should work. The same think happened to me a while back, and that's what fixed it.
  5. Crafting, building, forging, what else is new?

  6. I tried to do the same thing. I tried to re-install tekkit, and I deleted the texture pack, and it still doesn't work.
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