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Everything posted by zeedawg368

  1. Posting on FinalCorruption's Behalf: FinalCorruption: Due to the host, being unstable, and not providing stable content for us to balance a server on, we're undergoing a host switch. This means the following. New Map. New Player Files No Lag No Crashes No issues Donators, I thank you greatly, along with all other members who have decided to stay with us through these troubling issues, but we will be sorted very, very shortly. If you would like to help broden the horizons of our server content, feel free to donate, which, will be greatly appreciated. Methods of Donating: Buycraft: bigtrioresurrection.buycraft.net Directly To Paypal: [email protected] Contacting Final: Skype: thadarkspawn Estimation of time down, before the server is up: 4 hours If there is any other details you would like explained, feel free to contact Me/FinalCorruption. Let me just say, everyone who has stuck with us through these issues, crashes, lag ect. Will be quite pleased with the server events, after spawn is built, and we're ready to progress into gathering more players, and developing the server further. Events: PvP events, with FinalCorruption. I have done some of these with you, as most of you know. I allowed it so if you killed me 2 times in a row, you won a $10 store credit. This will happen again, as we gather more donations. Spleef Events, will be taking place, once we've got an arena built. Mob Challanges, could take place, where FinalCorruption spawns mobs, and if you can defeat them, you get an epic reward. Parkour Challanges, will take place. Winner of the parkour event gets a great reward. Suggestion Box: Use quote, and quote this section to suggest anything. Staff Members, Spawn looks, Events, Plugins, anything. Thank you all for reading this, and once again, thank you all for staying with us through the burning of the server. It's much appreciated, and you will be rewarded greatly for doing so.
  2. Please disregard this post, my apologies for the inconvienience.
  3. Moderator Application Name:Zeedawg368 Age:15 TimeZone:US Eastern Skype:Zeedawg45368 Any other chat program: TESTING Somebody is trying to dupe with a RM Furance, you would?: socialspy them,along with mute and jailing them. If problem continues, i would ban the user. What's the Owners name?:FinalCorruption Another moderator is being abusive with powers, you would?:contact owner with issues An Admin is being abusive with powers, you would?:contact owner with issues Someone is Spamming, and cussing. You would?: mute, socialspy them Somebody advertised their IP. You would?:mute,socialspy, and then kick ADDITIONAL Why do you want to be a moderator?: I would really love to become a spawn builder, and like to keep a calm server running smoothly, it would be an honor to be able to be granted such privileges. I feel as though I could do the server a lot of good. What past experience as Moderator do you have?:
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