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Everything posted by james404

  1. Really sorry my error i forgot the second underscore try now if it dosent ill restart it
  2. ? Are you sure My skype is death40467 you might need to send a contact request first
  3. Its off, like i said everyone needs to get on the skype group with all the other members. Besides me and you are the only ones on
  4. All Accepted, Great applications. If you want to speak to me for when the whole team is here contact me through Skype-death40467 Edit- The server is currently up and running although if it says its offline i probably turned it off, if it says this please contact me through skype
  5. Rex boy added to the whitelist, Welcome aboard
  6. Sorry error on my part the version number is 0.5.7 Rec build choose that one
  7. Go on the launcher, select tekkit lite, click options next to login and then scroll through the version list till you see 1.4.7 rec build
  8. Server is up and your all added lets go people.
  9. Welcome Aboard Both Added to the whitelist
  10. If anyone wants a constant update contact me on Skype-death40467
  11. Okay seems the entire site is down so all further applications will be monitored but for now the server is down sorry guys ;d
  12. Hey there robbie ill add you to the whitelist please wait about 10 minutes though my server is having a one off setup problem
  13. Sorry Andu but we need people who have played games like Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 3. On top of that my server is down for about 15 minutes or so .So I'm really sorry but i cant take you on board.
  14. Hi I'm death40467 and i own a newly purchased 42 slot server and i am attempting to construct a Fallout style map. Id like some help to construct a fallout vault map which may eventually be released to the public. This will most likely turn into a survival map which can be played on servers hosted by me or other moderators. Tekkit Lite Version- Recommended build 0.5.7 IP- Plugins-World Edit Skype is required or some form of voice communication You must also have played either Fallout New Vegas Or Fallout 3 preferably both No More Space People Team is Maxed Out -The Team- Builders-Space Robbie1560,Argh266,GreekOverdose Technicians-Roboblox,Can_i_haz_name Terrain Editors-TheLaziestLegend,Roboblox Architects-_Zagron_ Project Manager/General Managment-Death40467 Moderator/Builder-Chanelcute General Team Members-_Zagrom_,Reallynewperson,Josiah8799 -What Needs To Be Done- Fallout style Buildings-0% Wasteland Terrain-5% Wasteland Technology-5% Custom Texture pack???-Maybe Custom Mods-Gun mods When needed Whitelist Application Template IGN-[in Game Name] Age[Optional]- Country[Not optional]- Preferably UK < Just for timezones i have no problem with other nationality's> Preferred Role- Got Any Fallout Knowledge?- Why you want to join in- Please Read Before Posting If you do not follow the template you will not be accepted. Also if anyone has any texture pack designing experience send an application and please contact me through my Skype-death40467
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