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About Nahdi

  • Birthday 12/15/1996

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Dirt (1/9)



  1. @Andrew Ysharma says he never knew you won a *censored censored* and went to *censored*. pretty cool.
  2. Ok I finished the new server thread: Andrew go over it, make changes and start using it. Everyone go over it and email us pictures at [email protected] also comment on it and post suggestions. Thanks! https://docs.google.com/document/d/134ZSsOXDEP0cthdLHe8jpz4LteyxGNNlCoparzWTblM/edit?usp=sharing From Ysharma Via Nahdi. Sorry technic forum moderators I know you don't like the whole name thing EDIT: We have a facebook now! http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100005362890916
  3. Okay. ned, you are in charge of organizing things in the wiki, getting a team together and finishing it up. Im working on the new server thread atm. Sent by Ysharma via Nahdi Sorry technic staff as far as the use of usernames gos
  4. Ysharma and Andrew have decided on the servers goals, come discuss them at our forums in the chatbox the goals are: 1. Rewrite the server thread, make it much much more noticeable than the hundreds of other packs out there. There are like 10 other custom servers in our once private section of the technic forums (i still think ours is the best) we will make ours prominent and better than all the others! 2. Make a technic platform page (private and low profile unless you are in the server) Andrew will do this, and I will work on an official, OOB mac version 3. Reform forums, make them more organized, create a section for information Ill take care of this 4. Better user base, tight knit know each other but large, just like our happy little family right now! but bigger Recruit your friends, find nice people 5. Official company lets play series, once every couple of weeks We will leave this up to the company leaders 6. Get a facebook page (This is an idea, not andrew aproved) 7. Make wiki We need your help! Please help us! 8. Get list of trusted people for beta servers, get into teams, choose mods and test every mod item Trusted people will most probably be determined by time youve been on the server, with the option of applying into beta testership 9. Get pack out of beta Andrew will do this with beta testers
  5. Ahh ok. He asks if you checked your PM'S, hes at my house atm so hell respond fast
  6. BTW Ysharma says congrats on 1000 posts, he also asks andrew to check his pm's and move the pack to the new format so the latest launcher will accept the link
  7. Ysharma sent this: @ned I agree. Make beta a small server with trusted people in creative. Well each get into teams and get assigned 4-5 mods. Our jobs will be to thoroughly test the mods. If we find anything we tell andrew. If not we push it to a non beta build. He also is asking a moderator if he is perma-banned, because he says its almost been a month.
  8. He's asking if you want any help? Also he asks if you could pm him on artisansrepublic about some layout plans
  9. Im Ysharma's friend, and seeing as he's banned I'm relaying messages for him. " As far as the wiki goes it would be awesome if everyone chipped in and every single item of the modpack was in there. " " The latest modpack seems incredibly stable on a patched mac. When do we vote it out of beta? " " Is Beta full anarchy? "
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