I really loved the power tool and module armor in voltz, And after tinkering around with it I found you can colorize the armor! I almost died with excitement that i could make this armor even cooler by making it red! And so I did, but then while admiring it in third person I noticed that the Power Tool was out of place, while my armor was red, it was still white. I rushed over to the tinkering station to fix this but soon my stomach dropped when I saw that their was no colorizing option for the power tool.
so, my question to the creator of Voltz:
Can you, and do you plan to, make the power tool customizable by adding the option to change its color?
PS: if you dont want to go through the coding of the option of making it dyeable through the tinkering station, can you just make a few various versions of the tool such as a red one, blue one, green one, etc, they can be their own items, just for people who customize the armor!
thank you for your time. :)