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Everything posted by herofantom

  1. Hey, I'd like to know if theres another alternative to hosting your modpack if dropbox would cause too much traffic?
  2. Everybody, we all know that it's the launcher problem. Now, we just need to wait for the devs to fix it. It shouldn't take too long, and if it should, what can we do?
  3. Nope, it doesn't work. Tried every way possible, nothing.
  4. Thanks for the reply, I'll be sure to check it out!
  5. How can you be invited for beta testing? I actually have a modpack that I wish to test...
  6. Alright, So here's my story. I've been creating a mod pack and it's been going really great! The only problem is: I'm trying to create a launcher just like Technic or FTB launchers. A launcher that will automatically download all the mods since you can't just "share" your jar file because that would be against the law. All I am asking for anybody out there is a pointer, or a way I can modify this launcher to make it install the mods I want. And I will still give credit to technic and spout if I actually do that. So any help? P.S. I would also like to know if this isn't possible, I could probably submit my pack to technic, just like Voltz?
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