Referring to the "crazy lag", I want to report a similar situation and hope, that anybody can help me an that issue:
Status Quo: I have 4 GB of RAM on my computer (OS: Windows XP), way enough for a fluid minecraft, usually. If I start vanilla-MC with the regular launcher, it starts without any "Technik"-Mod (I guess this is supposed to happen?) and runs very smoothly. No problems in any way. Picture attached.
Problem: If I want to start MC, however, via the Technik-Launcher, it starts to lag as hell already in the main menu! Ingame, I have every second a "Lag Spike of Death", as it is called, I guess. Unplayable. Picture attached.
Solution?: My guess is, that this may have something to do with OptiFine? Unfortunately, I can't untick that mod in the "Options"-Menu. Also, I notice the strange fact, that the allocated memory suddenly halvens (!), if I use the "Technik"-Launcher. I have no idea why that is, but I advise you to also take a look at the pictures I've attached. Your help is appreciated.
Best regards