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Everything posted by Pillowbyte

  1. Hey, guys, maybe we could get major work done over spring break?
  2. Thanks. Much love to you!

  3. Also, I think the whitelsit problem is that you haven't whitelsited me on the new pack server.

    1. Dpaine912


      Ive whitelisted you over 5 times on the new pack

    2. Dpaine912
  4. Dpaine, could you please check posts more often?

  5. Possibly. I needed to update Technic to run it, but it still says I'm not whitelisted.
  6. Sorry, Paine, but now I can't even get into the pack.
  7. Also, Dpiane, could you think about adding these mods to the pack? DivineRPG Pet Bats Tale of Kingdoms Damage Indicators
  8. Nevermind. I had to download the newest launcher, my mistake. Dpaine, I try to connect with Corporation, but when I log in to the server, or try to, it says: "You are not white-listed on this server!" and I get a serious Rage Face. I hope someone can solve this problem.
  9. Just tell me step by step. Oh, and by the way, I have an HP g6-1b60us Pavillion Notebook PC.
  10. So you enter "Corporation" in a Custom Pack?
  11. IGN: Pillowbyte Age:13 Mod of expertise: Thermal Expansion Prove that you are an expert of the above mod: I know how to power powered furnaces, and I am also pretty good at building pipe networks. Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: I have never been banned from any server. Any other things I should know: I have played on over 350 multiplayer servers. I prefer playing cooperatively and love to build empires. I am a mod on one server, possibly two. I also have experience in the crafting of new weapons, armor, and machines, although I am not very experienced at IndustrialCraft, BuildCraft, or ComputerCraft.
  12. Age: 13 IGN: Pillowbyte I have teamspeak, but won't have Skype until September 2013. I want to play on this server because I like to play co-op more than alone and have been on more than 310 multiplayer servers.This server looks like a minecart-load of fun and good starting grounds for a Tekkit-Lite empire. I am skilled in redpower2, Balkon's Weapon Mod, and in Pipes. I also know how to masserate,generate electricity, and use multiple sources of energy to power an entire complex. I have been playing since 1.0 Beta, I am to believe, although my game is currently updated to 1.4.7. My Minecraft name is Ferrer38. I also know how to speak binary, or ASCII Conversion. 01000010011110010110010100100001 (In other words, Bye!)
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