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About gdfelt

  • Birthday 09/04/1996

gdfelt's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Ok, my two mods are: ferulose gun mod, and ic2. They are both older versions and the istructions said to put them in the minecraft.jar. But of cource I made a modpack.jar and put them inside that so I wouldent be editing the minecraft.jar and now that im trying to make a server, im useing mcpc+ because I love bukkit. and I dont know how to incorperate my bin folder into the server. I can use a forge server I have one of those set up, just awaiting my mods. so if you can tell me how to add it in to that id be fine also, I can live with out bukkit. again thanks in advance.
  2. ok my mod pack is 1.5.2 and the version of two mods dont go in my "mod" folder they go in the modpack.jar i made in my bin forlder my question (i hope this is the right place to ask) is how can I have my bin folder in my forge server I have already made, I dont know how to incorperate it in can some body help me PLEASE? thanks in advance
  3. well I plain just can't conect is it down or some thing there are random points in the day were i can and cant whats up?
  4. um has your server been down lately cause i cant connect
  5. so I'm hopeing this is a good place to ask how to use your own mod pack in a bukkit server. I've been searching youtube for an answer on how to put your mods in to a bukkit server corectly but they dont have one so I guess this would be the best place to ask. Could I please have a set of good directions on how this could be done. Thanks
  6. my mod pack is being a pain when i downloaded it it seamed to fast and when i loged on it was like vanilla, what the heck did i do wrong p.s. i used drop box as my mod pack host.
  7. my modpack.jar file will not show up in my share folder when I try to put it on drop box. or when i changed it to .zip it still didn't work.
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