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Everything posted by Evaley

  1. unfollowed, your now the only one on this thread
  2. also why reply to this now? months after the servers closure... this topic is dead and the only reason I saw this is because im set up to receive emails on posts to my threads, no one else will see this or even care if they do, you failed.
  3. well done, bravo, you contributed in ruining something for everyone else... you relise that thats no achievment right? its just selfish and immature, your a child. go do some finger painting or something.
  4. This server is closed down :/ no more evaleys server
  5. iv hit many a bump and kept going, the constant breaking of anti grief, people crashing the server every fucking day, alot of things not working and server side issues that where crippling the server and if i'm honest i'm bored of it all and its not worth me paying out good money for this if people are just gonna give me shit everyday. the fact is that i got alot of shit going on in my life right now, i'm really not well. This server is coursing me nothing but grief and making things worse. i already miss the server and miss u guys but there where just too many of you purposely making it hard for me to warrant future attempts at sorting the server out... i tried, i tried allot but it just felt like most of you just didn't want it... so thats why the server has been shut down, don't blame me, blame the people who where fucking it all up
  6. and it took a month to set up because of loads of problems with permissions and factions etc, loads of problems one after the other and you just don't care, as long as im paying for the server why would you ay?
  7. ok right..... iv made this server and sooo many people have loved it, then beople like ben come along and fuck it up for everyone, i only shut down the server once all the other time was people crashing it every day without fail, i have been telling eveyone on the server to stop breaking faction protection and spawn and just generaly screwing up the server and ruining it for other players, but noooo jj knows best. server is now no longer public and my place being griefed isnt the reason for it, its just the cherry on the top.
  8. ok server is down until futher notice due to that obviously being what the people want
  9. Hey guys sorry for the wait on the reply. Server is not actually white listed at the moment so feel free to join, I will announce on here if I will make it whitelisted
  10. in a folder on ur desktop that is
  11. errrm un archive your voltz server onto your desktop (or where ever) and then run it
  12. thats with worldedit in aswell but tried it without first, neither worked
  13. https://copy.com/WsRglHTvPwy4 <that work?
  14. ok where can i put this zip?
  15. they can do everything in the players permissions but only that i.e. cant break blocks, open chests or eat etc
  16. ok i managed to add factions.create & factions.disband but they still cant break blocks or anything is there just a permission that im missing for that???
  17. iv tryed downloading differnt versions of pex and all other ones and the most iv been able to do is change the colour of there names from white to blue
  18. seems as though every time i try no one can do anything... AT ALL, from what i have reserched, everything im doing is right and that they should have all the permissions that iv alloted to them but not even one permission gets allowed not one
  19. i did, put one guy specifically into the players group and no change
  20. re deleted PEX so that players can do more that just walk talk and starve to death because they dont even have permission to eat food that they have in there hand
  21. followed that to the letter and now players cant do anything >.<
  22. ok nice one, ill give that a go. so if i add say for example "- factions.create" to players permissions then everyone should be able to create a faction
  23. oh and so far i have essentials and world edit no one can use worldedit bar me.....(fantastic) but everyone can already use all of the essentials commands that i want them to have i.e. tpa, home, sethome etc right from the off (again...fantastic), no permissions nodes nothing. its upon getting factions that iv needed permissions to be sorted out
  24. PEX would be great, do you have skype? also want everyone to be able to use most faction commands
  25. OK so i'm a relatively new server owner and have installed factions on my tekkit lite server but cannot for the life of me get the permissions sorted so that other players apart from me can actually use the plugin(i.e. create and manage factions), every attempt ends in either nothing happening or no one being able to do ANYTHING, i'm so stressed out with this that i'm literally on the verge of smashing my laptop up iv been at it for a week now and nothing on Google even comes close to helping, iv tried downloading PEX, bPermissions, Groupmanager and tried using bukkits permissions file nothing is working and i'm at my wits end. Please if someone knows what to do and how to fix it could they message me or hit me up on skype and explain it to me? If you do want to skype me let me know and ill imbox you my name
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