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Everything posted by Zop

  1. I doubt this will help most people, but I had Tekkit Lite set to manual versioning, and since the pack I use is a derivative of tekkitlite, I copied the extra mods from my modpack folder into my tekkitlite folder, and now I can run it with the launcher. The launcher thinks it's Tekkit Lite, but I don't mind.
  2. My pack had an update, but now the launcher failed updating it. And now when I try to run the pack, it simply says "Error retrieving information for selected pack ..." When I add new pack, I get the same parsing error. I did find these in the launcher log: [iNFO] Launcher took: 29680ms to start [sEVERE] org.spoutcraft.launcher.exceptions.RestfulAPIException: Timed out accessing URL [http://www.technicpack.net/api/modpack/shmacks-pack] 2013/03/09 10:27:23 [sEVERE] at org.spoutcraft.launcher.technic.rest.RestAPI.getRestObject(RestAPI.java:243) 2013/03/09 10:27:23 [sEVERE] at org.spoutcraft.launcher.technic.rest.RestAPI.getCustomModpack(RestAPI.java:198) 2013/03/09 10:27:23 [etc etc] The technic sites seem to be moving slowly, so I'm guessing there's a web problem. Perhaps the launcher needs a longer timeout?
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