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Chris Fleming

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About Chris Fleming

  • Birthday 03/15/1990

Chris Fleming's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Is there anyway that I can eliminate all restrictions so that everyone can do what they want?
  2. Okay, so I finally got my server to work. I can get on the tekkit server move around, but i cant do anything like breaking blocks or placing. I have tried /op (myname) but that does not good. It says it is opping me but nothing actually happens. So I installed permissionsex and set up an admin group, default, and moderator. Then I set myself as the admin. Still I have had no luck. Any ideas? Here is my permissions text: --- plugin: permissions: system: 'default' copies: '' groups: Admins: default: false info: prefix: '' suffix: '' build: true inheritance: '' permissions: - '*' Default: default: true info: prefix: '' suffix: '' build: true inheritance: '' permissions: - 'essentials.help' - 'essentials.home' - 'essentials.motd' - 'essentials.rules' - 'essentials.sethome' Moderator: default: false info: prefix: '' suffix: '' build: true inheritance: - 'Admin' permissions: - '*' users: Chriswf: group: 'Admin' permissions: ''
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