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Everything posted by quarkhopper

  1. Yeah, I've been finding more of it. It's probably just my bad luck / not worth speculating about
  2. A good strategy! Thanks!
  3. Not a bad tip! I have found a fair amount (enough to build an infuser, enrichment chamber, and a coal generator) in the last hour of play. It's funny: some areas seems to have a lot of it while other areas seem almost clear of it. Not worth speculating about I suppose.
  4. Actually I'm asking because this IS happening to me right now :)
  5. This has been a big problem for me trying to start out a SSP game. Crafting up is crippled by how hard it is to find redstone. Did you find out anything new? Is it biome specific now?
  6. Where oh where do you get a lot of redstone? In voltz it's far, far more scarce than vanilla. I have found far more gold than redstone. The recipes make it out to be common but I've found that it severely cripples your crafting ability. Is it found somewhere other than it is in vanilla? a particular biome now?
  7. Incendiary missiles may have been used as a celebration... >:)
  8. Thanks! The images were identical until I edited the post, try reloading. I fixed it, I promise :)
  9. In case you're curious how the calculations panned out, here are the figures I put in to my balistics calculator to retry the y=200 to y=1 test shot again (cX and cZ are the new values to use instead of the actual target coordinates): ... And here's the resulting strike. The red blocks in the background were with the uncorrected target values (from my previous data), and the blue hole in the middle of the crosshairs is the result of using my correction calculator and the new coordinates Bullseye!
  10. Well, the flight path to cruising and from cruising to target looks to be roughly parabolic, but you might be able to roughly approximate a linear ascent/descent for the vertical distances covered. As such, I ran some experiments. I created a map with a "near" platform at y=200, and three "far" platforms almost 1000 blocks away at y=1,100,and 200 I conducted five tests with a breaching missile: from 200 to 200, 200 to 100, 200 to 1, 1 to 200 (reverse direction), and 100 to 200 (reverse direction again). The graphical results are at the link below (seen from overhead). They show the crater in red, and measurements from the intended targets. The lines have a dot every 5 blocks. Predictably, the 200 to 200 launch was a bullseye. Apparently it has everything to do with your height difference and nothing else. I compiled the raw data in a table (link below) and discovered that the distance that the missile lands from the target is about 0.3 times the difference in Y between the launcher and the target. Using some trigonometry, you can solve for the corrections in X and Z that will nail the target. From this I was able to hack together a calculator in Excel. I enter my launcher X,Y,Z and target X,Y,Z and it spits out the corrected X and Z that I *should* use ... and live happily ever after.
  11. I think there might be an effect of elevation difference but I'm not sure.
  12. A general question: Even if you get your inaccuracy to 0 blocks by using a launcher platform, it still seems as though your missiles land 10 - 20 blocks from the target specified. I'm using all T3 equipment. Is this a designed limitation in the game? Is there something I can do to ensure that a missile fired 500 blocks or more away will hit the target I specify? I know how to use the tracker and homing missile, but maybe there something I'm missing with the other types of missiles... Any help would be appreciated.
  13. Thanks for the suggestion! I'll see if I can do that, but I have to admit there's going to be a learning curve for me. I just started using the launcher.
  14. Bump. I'm having this message pop up on SP and it's begging me to update. Can I configure the launcher to force the updates?
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