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Posts posted by BrianHernando

  1. OK Follow these steps:

    You might already know this...... They fixed the Java 7 glitch! So now, all you have to do for this fix is:


    Yep, its that simple! No downloading anything else then Technic! Spread the word!! CYA!!

  2. your on a mac.

    you need the mac fix.


    or, do the easyer thing and stop using that shit mac and get a real computer.

    Orrrrrr, look at my post: http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/technic-launcher-mac-java-7-fix.53627/

    or read it here...

    Hey guys! I'm bringing you the simplest Tekkit fix for Mac Java 7! I personally have mac and java 7, and I accidentally deleted one of the old fixes, that works for the latest version and stuff...

    so I decided to try to find out my own way!

    And I found out the latest, way, and I've been trying to get this to work for over 6 months now, so, here it is for you mac lovers!

    You might already know this...... They fixed the Java 7 glitch! So now, all you have to do for this fix is:


    Yep, its that simple! No downloading anything else then Technic! Spread the word and comment below! CYA!

    • In-game name: BrianHernando
    • Age: Nine
    • Time Zone: GMT
    • Have you ever been banned? Please post your result here: Yes, twice, no once. Well kinda. One on ocmc.me for 'griefing with lava and fire?' Ok, I was disposing my stuff, I had like 5000000 dirt, so I placed lava, does that really count? And another server. Forgot the IP. It was for 'can i ban u? plz, plz, plz, ok i will anyway!' It wasn't quite a ban, they banned the person who banned me though I forgot the ip.
    • What is your Tekkit experience?: I've been playing tekkit for a LONNGNGGNGNGNG time. I've been playing for about a year now. My best Strength on tekkit is computer programming, I made a lock where even ctrl+t, nor anything else can terminate it!
    • Why do you want to join Fekkit?: I want a good tekkit server I can play on, I'm mostly wanting CREATIVE ON HERE :D And you can open chests, interact with things aswell.

  3. Launcher Version: Build: 203

    Operating System: MacBook Pro OS X Lion

    Java Version: Java: version 1.6.0_43, vendor Apple Inc.

    Antivirus Program: Nothing.

    Description of Problem:

    Okay. I deleted my tekkit and I went to redownload it! And there was a new version. I downloaded it and I tried Tekkit Classic. I have a Premium Account. I'm using my Minecraft Info. And after the mojang screen. It crashes IMMEDIATELY. And then I tried every other one and just a CRASH.

    Error Messages:


    Error Log:

    2013/03/16 22:49:21 [iNFO] ------------------------------------------
    2013/03/16 22:49:21 [iNFO] Technic Launcher is starting....
    2013/03/16 22:49:21 [iNFO] Launcher Build: 203
    2013/03/16 22:49:21 [iNFO] ------------ Startup Parameters ------------
    2013/03/16 22:49:21 [iNFO] --------- End of Startup Parameters ---------
    2013/03/16 22:49:23 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/tekkitlite/resources/background.jpg, with 3 tries remaining
    2013/03/16 22:49:24 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/tekkitlite/resources/icon.png, with 3 tries remaining
    2013/03/16 22:49:24 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/tekkitlite/resources/logo_180.png, with 3 tries remaining
    2013/03/16 22:49:25 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/tekkit/resources/logo_180.png, with 3 tries remaining
    2013/03/16 22:49:25 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/voltz/resources/logo_180.png, with 3 tries remaining
    2013/03/16 22:49:26 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/yogbox/resources/logo_180.png, with 3 tries remaining
    2013/03/16 22:49:27 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/hackslashmine/resources/logo_180.png, with 3 tries remaining
    2013/03/16 22:49:28 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/vanilla/resources/logo_180.png, with 3 tries remaining
    2013/03/16 22:49:29 [iNFO] Launcher took: 8289ms to start
    2013/03/16 22:49:36 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/tekkit/resources/background.jpg, with 3 tries remaining
    2013/03/16 22:49:36 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/tekkit/resources/icon.png, with 3 tries remaining
    2013/03/16 22:49:42 [iNFO] Mod pack Build: 3.1.2 Minecraft Version: 1.2.5
    2013/03/16 22:49:42 [iNFO] Starting download of minecraft, with 3 tries remaining
    2013/03/16 22:49:46 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 8e80fb01b321c6b3c7efca397a3eea35 Result MD5: 8e80fb01b321c6b3c7efca397a3eea35
    2013/03/16 22:49:48 [iNFO] Mirror value 200
    2013/03/16 22:49:48 [iNFO] Mirror mirror.technicpack.net/Technic value 200
    2013/03/16 22:49:48 [iNFO] Starting download of, with 3 tries remaining
    2013/03/16 22:49:50 [iNFO] Starting download of http://s3.amazonaws.com/MinecraftDownload/jinput.jar, with 3 tries remaining
    2013/03/16 22:49:50 [iNFO] Starting download of http://s3.amazonaws.com/MinecraftDownload/lwjgl.jar, with 3 tries remaining
    2013/03/16 22:49:51 [iNFO] Starting download of http://s3.amazonaws.com/MinecraftDownload/lwjgl_util.jar, with 3 tries remaining
    2013/03/16 22:49:52 [iNFO] Starting download of http://s3.amazonaws.com/MinecraftDownload/macosx_natives.jar, with 3 tries remaining
    2013/03/16 22:49:52 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 2f60f009723553622af280c920bb7431 Calculated MD5: 2f60f009723553622af280c920bb7431
    2013/03/16 22:49:52 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/basemods/basemods-tekkit-v3.1.2.zip, with 3 tries remaining
    2013/03/16 22:49:53 [iNFO] Expected MD5: b8ff1de59170a5aa3aa89eed5e6961f0 Calculated MD5: b8ff1de59170a5aa3aa89eed5e6961f0
    2013/03/16 22:49:53 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/balkonsweaponmod/balkonsweaponmod-v8.6.zip, with 3 tries remaining
    2013/03/16 22:49:53 [iNFO] Expected MD5: a9c23bf8143f8077113344d2e646eeb0 Calculated MD5: a9c23bf8143f8077113344d2e646eeb0
    2013/03/16 22:49:53 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/buildcraft/buildcraft-v2.2.14.zip, with 3 tries remaining
    2013/03/16 22:49:54 [iNFO] Expected MD5: bbe5b6745ca311fc2ee058ce908e485b Calculated MD5: bbe5b6745ca311fc2ee058ce908e485b
    2013/03/16 22:49:54 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/buildcraft-additionalpipes/buildcraft-additionalpipes-v2.1.3.zip, with 3 tries remaining
    2013/03/16 22:49:54 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 8170ba30e2102ebde0ca054ff4519eda Calculated MD5: 8170ba30e2102ebde0ca054ff4519eda
    2013/03/16 22:49:54 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/ccsensors/ccsensors-v017pr1.zip, with 3 tries remaining
    2013/03/16 22:49:54 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 683cf390ed87c837ba029cdfc42da88b Calculated MD5: 683cf390ed87c837ba029cdfc42da88b
    2013/03/16 22:49:54 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/computercraft/computercraft-v1.33.zip, with 3 tries remaining
    2013/03/16 22:49:55 [iNFO] Expected MD5: aca3b3a64052f9e62992194140c6bee5 Calculated MD5: aca3b3a64052f9e62992194140c6bee5
    2013/03/16 22:49:56 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/chargingbench/chargingbench-v1.95b.zip, with 3 tries remaining
    2013/03/16 22:49:56 [iNFO] Expected MD5: bc439eeba8bbf87f6ecee9d0413a3c7d Calculated MD5: bc439eeba8bbf87f6ecee9d0413a3c7d
    2013/03/16 22:49:56 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/dimanchor/dimanchor-v3.2.zip, with 3 tries remaining
    2013/03/16 22:49:56 [iNFO] Expected MD5: b7cc16c5cae4d1d27952419f3d700af0 Calculated MD5: b7cc16c5cae4d1d27952419f3d700af0
    2013/03/16 22:49:56 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/ee2/ee2-v1.4.6.5.zip, with 3 tries remaining
    2013/03/16 22:49:56 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 62b98c74fae6ce1e5e9c755c5273464c Calculated MD5: 62b98c74fae6ce1e5e9c755c5273464c
    2013/03/16 22:49:56 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/enderstorage/enderstorage-v1.1.3.zip, with 3 tries remaining
    2013/03/16 22:49:56 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 8866eead13662f57bd340038745ab37d Calculated MD5: 8866eead13662f57bd340038745ab37d
    2013/03/16 22:49:56 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/ic2/ic2-v1.97.zip, with 3 tries remaining
    2013/03/16 22:49:59 [iNFO] Expected MD5: b5ac96ff916145b39e02c84a4e48806c Calculated MD5: b5ac96ff916145b39e02c84a4e48806c
    2013/03/16 22:49:59 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/ic2-advancedmachines/ic2-advancedmachines-v4.0.zip, with 3 tries remaining
    2013/03/16 22:49:59 [iNFO] Expected MD5: fe6ddd8d63f7b69bffc259f47bcc790d Calculated MD5: fe6ddd8d63f7b69bffc259f47bcc790d
    2013/03/16 22:49:59 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/ic2-compactsolars/ic2-compactsolars-v2.3.2.10.zip, with 3 tries remaining
    2013/03/16 22:49:59 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 8610a183aa96a564cd8404351067deae Calculated MD5: 8610a183aa96a564cd8404351067deae
    2013/03/16 22:49:59 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/ic2-nuclearcontrol/ic2-nuclearcontrol-v1.1.10b.zip, with 3 tries remaining
    2013/03/16 22:49:59 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 11df0a636e6d6019b26769d46a4305d9 Calculated MD5: 11df0a636e6d6019b26769d46a4305d9
    2013/03/16 22:49:59 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/immibiscore/immibiscore-v49.1.1.zip, with 3 tries remaining
    2013/03/16 22:49:59 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 9a3e4fcaa1c3d781a429d25f40dce8ad Calculated MD5: 9a3e4fcaa1c3d781a429d25f40dce8ad
    2013/03/16 22:49:59 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/inventorytweaks/inventorytweaks-v1.41b.zip, with 3 tries remaining
    2013/03/16 22:49:59 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 78d7f9d43ce6619de06dc906d1baf045 Calculated MD5: 78d7f9d43ce6619de06dc906d1baf045
    2013/03/16 22:49:59 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/ironchests/ironchests-v3.8.0.40.zip, with 3 tries remaining
    2013/03/16 22:50:00 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 8d5e4e6acab936a6f86115954e633a25 Calculated MD5: 8d5e4e6acab936a6f86115954e633a25
    2013/03/16 22:50:00 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/matmos/matmos-v12.zip, with 3 tries remaining
    2013/03/16 22:50:03 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 831df3c62c92b27bba704d439fe247fc Calculated MD5: 831df3c62c92b27bba704d439fe247fc
    2013/03/16 22:50:03 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/mffs/mffs-v7.zip, with 3 tries remaining
    2013/03/16 22:50:04 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 758e6bc9212823d5483fc6cee2937973 Calculated MD5: 758e6bc9212823d5483fc6cee2937973
    2013/03/16 22:50:04 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/nei/nei-v1.2.2.zip, with 3 tries remaining
    2013/03/16 22:50:04 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 375c36eaa063bc0a8c347cf892bcb862 Calculated MD5: 375c36eaa063bc0a8c347cf892bcb862
    2013/03/16 22:50:04 [iNFO] Starting download

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