In Game Name:Arranms96
Country/Timezone:England GMT+0
How good is your English?:im english so it should be good i hope
Any previous experience as staff (server names, if they are still up):yep ive been admin and higher on at least 3 servers that have closed down due to the owner not having enough funds to keep the payment up, but i have also co-owned a tekkit classic server in which i done everything server side such as all the configs plugin management and all the rest so i am very able when it comes to this if you every needed anyhelp
Why you want to be Staff: i just enjoy helping out fixing peoples problems just makes me happy, and since my tekkit server closed down i am looking for a new project
Why we should choose you (In 50 words):i am very very knowlageable when it comes to commands and plugins, i also have a wide knownlage of config and console errors if you ever didnt have time or didnt know how to config a plugin i have a little server that i use to mess about with plugins, so you could send me the config and i could do it there for you )
Time you can spend on server and how long you have been playing:not long to be honest about 2 day about 4-5 hours aday
Have you been banned before? If so, why?:nope im a good boy
Can anyone vouch for you to be a good staff member? If so, please list their usernames.: my good friends ionlyusemyfists,rexz_hyper,b1ade521 and dark_slasher
Are there any other ways to contact you (Don't post Skype/MSN/other relevant information here, we have a private forum for this kind of information, if you are accepted.): yes i have both skype and teamspeak