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Everything posted by arranms96

  1. hello there i think this might be the wrong page for this post but i dont have time to look, sorry im trying to make a private modpack for me and my friends and i keep running into the same problem everytime i launch the modpack FML does not run at it just starts up as normal minecraft i have checked and made sure that the modpack.jar is 100% modpack.jar but it still doesnt seem to work... any ideas? thanks
  2. In Game Name:Arranms96 Age:17 Country/Timezone:England GMT+0 How good is your English?:im english so it should be good i hope Any previous experience as staff (server names, if they are still up):yep ive been admin and higher on at least 3 servers that have closed down due to the owner not having enough funds to keep the payment up, but i have also co-owned a tekkit classic server in which i done everything server side such as all the configs plugin management and all the rest so i am very able when it comes to this if you every needed anyhelp Why you want to be Staff: i just enjoy helping out fixing peoples problems just makes me happy, and since my tekkit server closed down i am looking for a new project Why we should choose you (In 50 words):i am very very knowlageable when it comes to commands and plugins, i also have a wide knownlage of config and console errors if you ever didnt have time or didnt know how to config a plugin i have a little server that i use to mess about with plugins, so you could send me the config and i could do it there for you ) Time you can spend on server and how long you have been playing:not long to be honest about 2 day about 4-5 hours aday Have you been banned before? If so, why?:nope im a good boy Can anyone vouch for you to be a good staff member? If so, please list their usernames.: my good friends ionlyusemyfists,rexz_hyper,b1ade521 and dark_slasher Are there any other ways to contact you (Don't post Skype/MSN/other relevant information here, we have a private forum for this kind of information, if you are accepted.): yes i have both skype and teamspeak
  3. the qurray is next to the maker it still doing it
  4. hey there. i have a problem on a tekkit server and the owner has asked me to check it out. well it starts like this the main problem is that land markers don't seem to work with quarry's the land markers make the red square but we once you place the quarry it just create's its only default shape and doesn't follow the land marks we also seem to have a problem with pumps they also do not work they start pumping then stop on and off even when they have full power thanks any feedback you have i will be very greatfull thanks
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