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Everything posted by manboodog

  1. i cant play tekkit lite it says update then when i update it says update failed heres a copy of log [04:57:40] [sEVERE] ------------------------------------------ [04:57:40] [sEVERE] Launcher is starting.... [04:57:40] [sEVERE] Launcher Build: '' [04:57:40] [sEVERE] Allocated 910.25 Mb of RAM [04:57:40] [sEVERE] Java VM: '1.7.0_09-b30' [04:57:40] [sEVERE] OS Version: '3.5.0-21-generic' [04:57:40] [sEVERE] Is 64-bit: 'false' [04:57:41] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'mirrors.yml' from 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mirrors.yml'. [04:57:41] [sEVERE] Downloading 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/CHECKSUM.md5' [04:57:42] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/CHECKSUM.md5' [04:57:42] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'modpacks.yml' from ''. [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloading 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/technicssp/resources/icon.png' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloading '' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloading '' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloading 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/tekkitlite/resources/logo.png' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloading '' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloading 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/custom2/resources/favicon.png' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloading '' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloading 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/vanilla/resources/logo.png' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloading '' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloading 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/tekkit/resources/favicon.png' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloading '' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloading '' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloading '' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloading 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/custom1/resources/icon.png' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloading 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/custom1/resources/logo.png' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloading 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/tekkit/resources/icon.png' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloading '' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloading '' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloading 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/tekkit/resources/logo.png' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloading '' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloading 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/yogbox/resources/logo.png' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloading 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/voltz/resources/logo.png' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloading '' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloading '' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloading 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/tekkitlite/resources/favicon.png' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloading 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/custom3/resources/logo.png' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloading '' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloading '' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloading 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/custom3/resources/icon.png' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloading 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/hackslashmine/resources/favicon.png' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/yogbox/resources/favicon.png' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/technicssp/resources/icon.png' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/tekkit/resources/favicon.png' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/custom2/resources/favicon.png' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/custom2/resources/icon.png' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/hackslashmine/resources/icon.png' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/vanilla/resources/icon.png' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/voltz/resources/icon.png' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/hackslashmine/resources/logo.png' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/vanilla/resources/favicon.png' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/custom1/resources/icon.png' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/tekkit/resources/icon.png' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/tekkitlite/resources/favicon.png' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/custom3/resources/logo.png' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/custom1/resources/favicon.png' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/technicssp/resources/favicon.png' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/custom3/resources/favicon.png' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/voltz/resources/favicon.png' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/yogbox/resources/icon.png' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/tekkitlite/resources/icon.png' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/custom2/resources/logo.png' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/custom3/resources/icon.png' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/hackslashmine/resources/favicon.png' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/custom1/resources/logo.png' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/vanilla/resources/logo.png' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/yogbox/resources/logo.png' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/tekkit/resources/logo.png' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/tekkitlite/resources/logo.png' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/technicssp/resources/logo.png' [04:57:44] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/voltz/resources/logo.png' [04:57:45] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'libraries.yml' from 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/libraries.yml'. [04:57:45] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'modlibrary.yml' from ''. [04:57:51] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'modpack.yml' from 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/tekkitlite/modpack.yml'. [04:57:52] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'minecraft.yml' from 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/minecraft.yml'. [04:58:10] [sEVERE] /tekkitlite/bin/natives does not exist! Updating.. [04:58:10] [sEVERE] Modpack version requested '0.5.7' does not match installed version 'null'! Updating.. [04:58:10] [sEVERE] 'basemods-tekkitlite-v0.5.6.zip' has MD5 mismatch! Updating.. [04:58:10] [sEVERE] Starting download of minecraft, with 3 trie(s) remaining [04:58:26] [sEVERE] Downloaded 'minecraft.jar' does not matche MD5 of any known minecraft version! [04:58:26] [sEVERE] Starting download of minecraft, with 2 trie(s) remaining [04:58:42] [sEVERE] Downloaded 'minecraft.jar' does not matche MD5 of any known minecraft version! [04:58:42] [sEVERE] Starting download of minecraft, with 1 trie(s) remaining [04:59:00] [sEVERE] Downloaded 'minecraft.jar' does not matche MD5 of any known minecraft version! [04:59:00] [sEVERE] java.io.IOException: Failed to download minecraft [04:59:00] [sEVERE] at org.spoutcraft.launcher.MinecraftDownloadUtils.downloadMinecraft(MinecraftDownloadUtils.java:54) [04:59:00] [sEVERE] at org.spoutcraft.launcher.GameUpdater.updateMC(GameUpdater.java:124) [04:59:00] [sEVERE] at org.spoutcraft.launcher.gui.LoginForm$3.doInBackground(LoginForm.java:826) [04:59:00] [sEVERE] at org.spoutcraft.launcher.gui.LoginForm$3.doInBackground(LoginForm.java:808) [04:59:00] [sEVERE] at javax.swing.SwingWorker$1.call(SwingWorker.java:296) [04:59:00] [sEVERE] at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(FutureTask.java:334) [04:59:00] [sEVERE] at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:166) [04:59:00] [sEVERE] at javax.swing.SwingWorker.run(SwingWorker.java:335) [04:59:00] [sEVERE] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1110) [04:59:00] [sEVERE] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:603) [04:59:00] [sEVERE] at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:722) anyone know whats wrong?
  2. well at least you tried and i thank you for that
  3. i deleted all server files and changed jar and stuff to tekkit classic 3.1.2
  4. i changed to classic for a minute and no errors could it be something with the jar or something (sorry i dont know if it would be in config main jar or coremods folder)
  5. it still doesnt work but thanks anyway
  6. no its a new server i deleted everything version is 0.5.7 (tekkit lite)
  7. i got a clean copy of tekkit lite like i had for a old server when i got the new server and loaded it up this is what i got <Forestry.log1>,10|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 21.03 12:18:17 [server] WARNING [TreeCapitator] Block ID <Forestry.leaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry. 21.03 12:18:17 [server] INFO [TreeCapitator] Found leaf ID: <Forestry.leaves>,8 21.03 12:18:17 [server] WARNING [TreeCapitator] Block ID <Forestry.leaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry. 21.03 12:18:17 [server] INFO [TreeCapitator] Found leaf ID: <Forestry.leaves>,0 21.03 12:18:17 [server] INFO [TreeCapitator] Found leaf ID list: <Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 21.03 12:18:17 [server] WARNING [TreeCapitator] Block ID <Forestry.log1> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry. 21.03 12:18:17 [server] INFO [TreeCapitator] Found log ID: <Forestry.log1>,8 21.03 12:18:17 [server] WARNING [TreeCapitator] Block ID <Forestry.log1> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry. 21.03 12:18:17 [server] INFO [TreeCapitator] Found log ID: <Forestry.log1>,4 21.03 12:18:17 [server] WARNING [TreeCapitator] Block ID <Forestry.log1> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry. 21.03 12:18:17 [server] INFO [TreeCapitator] Found log ID: <Forestry.log1>,0 21.03 12:18:17 [server] INFO [TreeCapitator] Found log ID list: <Forestry.log1>,0; <Forestry.log1>,4; <Forestry.log1>,8 21.03 12:18:17 [server] INFO [TreeCapitator] Parsing entry: <Forestry.log1>,0; <Forestry.log1>,4; <Forestry.log1>,8|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 21.03 12:18:17 [server] WARNING [TreeCapitator] Block ID <Forestry.leaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry. 21.03 12:18:17 [server] INFO [TreeCapitator] Found leaf ID: <Forestry.leaves>,8 21.03 12:18:17 [server] WARNING [TreeCapitator] Block ID <Forestry.leaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry. 21.03 12:18:17 [server] INFO [TreeCapitator] Found leaf ID: <Forestry.leaves>,0 21.03 12:18:17 [server] INFO [TreeCapitator] Found leaf ID list: <Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 21.03 12:18:17 [server] WARNING [TreeCapitator] Block ID <Forestry.log3> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry. 21.03 12:18:17 [server] INFO [TreeCapitator] Found log ID: <Forestry.log3>,10 21.03 12:18:17 [server] WARNING [TreeCapitator] Block ID <Forestry.log3> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry. 21.03 12:18:17 [server] INFO [TreeCapitator] Found log ID: <Forestry.log3>,6 21.03 12:18:17 [server] WARNING [TreeCapitator] Block ID <Forestry.log3> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry. 21.03 12:18:17 [server] INFO [TreeCapitator] Found log ID: <Forestry.log3>,2 21.03 12:18:17 [server] INFO [TreeCapitator] Found log ID list: <Forestry.log3>,2; <Forestry.log3>,6; <Forestry.log3>,10 21.03 12:18:17 [server] INFO [TreeCapitator] Parsing entry: <Forestry.log3>,2; <Forestry.log3>,6; <Forestry.log3>,10|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 21.03 12:18:17 [server] INFO [TreeCapitator] Parsing Tree Block Config string: <Forestry.log3>,2; <Forestry.log3>,6; <Forestry.log3>,10|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! <Forestry.log1>,0; <Forestry.log1>,4; <Forestry.log1>,8|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! <Forestry.log1>,2; <Forestry.log1>,6; <Forestry.log1>,10|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! <TwilightForest.Log>,0; <TwilightForest.Log>,12|<TwilightForest.Leaves>,0; <TwilightForest.Leaves>,3; <TwilightForest.Leaves>,8; <TwilightForest.Leaves>,11 ! <Forestry.log2>,0; <Forestry.log2>,4; <Forestry.log2>,8|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! 243|242 ! <TwilightForest.Log>,1; <TwilightForest.Log>,13|<TwilightForest.Leaves>, 1; <TwilightForest.Leaves>,9 ! <Forestry.log3>,3; <Forestry.log3>,7; <Forestry.log3>,11|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! <ZapApples.zapAppleLogID>|<ZapApples.zapAppleLeavesID>; <ZapApples.zapAppleFlowersID> ! <Forestry.log4>,0; <Forestry.log4>,4; <Forestry.log4>,8|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! <Forestry.log3>,1; <Forestry.log3>,5; <Forestry.log3>,9|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! <ExtrabiomesXL.customlog.id>,1|<ExtrabiomesXL.greenleaves.id>,2 ! <Forestry.log4>,2; <Forestry.log4>,6; <Forestry.log4>,10|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! <ExtrabiomesXL.quarterlog0.id>,0; <ExtrabiomesXL.quarterlog1.id>,0; <ExtrabiomesXL.quarterlog2.id>,0; <ExtrabiomesXL.quarterlog3.id>,0|<ExtrabiomesXL.greenleaves.id>,1 ! <TwilightForest.Log>,2; <TwilightForest.Log>,14|<TwilightForest.Leaves>, 1; <TwilightForest.Leaves>,9 ! <Forestry.log2>,2; <Forestry.log2>,6; <Forestry.log2>,10|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! 17,1; 17,5; 17,9|18,1; <ExtrabiomesXL.autumnleaves.id> ! <Forestry.log3>,0; <Forestry.log3>,4; <Forestry.log3>,8|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! <Forestry.log1>,3; <Forestry.log1>,7; <Forestry.log1>,11|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! 17,3; 17,7; 17,11|18,3 ! <Forestry.log2>,1; <Forestry.log2>,5; <Forestry.log2>,9|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! 17,0; 17,4; 17,8; <ExtrabiomesXL.quarterlog0.id>,2; <ExtrabiomesXL.quarterlog1.id>,2; <ExtrabiomesXL.quarterlog2.id>,2;<ExtrabiomesXL.quarterlog3.id>,2;|18,0 ! <Forestry.log4>,1; <Forestry.log4>,5; <Forestry.log4>,9|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog>,0; <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog>,4; <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog>,8|<Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLeaves>,0; <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLeaves>,8 ! 17,2; 17,6; 17,10|18,2 ! <TwilightForest.MagicLog>,0; <TwilightForest.MagicLog>,12|<TwilightForest.MagicLeaves>,0; <TwilightForest.MagicLeaves>,8 ! 248|249 ! <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog>,1; <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog>,5; <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog>,9|<Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLeaves>,1 ! <TwilightForest.Log>,3; <TwilightForest.Log>,15|<TwilightForest.Hedge>,1 ! <Forestry.log4>,3; <Forestry.log4>,7; <Forestry.log4>,11|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! <ExtrabiomesXL.customlog.id>,0; <ExtrabiomesXL.quarterlog0.id>,1; <ExtrabiomesXL.quarterlog1.id>,1; <ExtrabiomesXL.quarterlog2.id>,1; <ExtrabiomesXL.quarterlog3.id>,1|<ExtrabiomesXL.greenleaves.id>,0 ! <Forestry.log1>,1; <Forestry.log1>,5; <Forestry.log1>,9|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! 3122|3123 ! <Forestry.log2>,3; <Forestry.log2>,7; <Forestry.log2>,11|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 21.03 12:18:17 [server] INFO [Minecraft] Done (5.345s)! For help, type "help" or "?" 21.03 12:18:17 [server] INFO [Minecraft] Preparing spawn area: 98% 21.03 12:18:16 [server] INFO [Minecraft] Preparing spawn area: 84% 21.03 12:18:15 [server] INFO [Minecraft] Preparing spawn area: 58% 21.03 12:18:14 [server] INFO [Minecraft] Preparing spawn area: 33% 21.03 12:18:13 [server] INFO [Minecraft] Preparing spawn area: 9% 21.03 12:18:12 [server] INFO [Minecraft] Preparing start region for level 0 21.03 12:18:12 [server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] Loading dimension -1 (world) (ho@44d549a6) 21.03 12:18:12 [server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] Loading dimension 1 (world) (ho@44d549a6) 21.03 12:18:12 [server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] Loading dimension 0 (world) (ho@44d549a6) 21.03 12:18:12 [server] INFO [Minecraft] Preparing level "world" 21.03 12:18:12 [server] WARNING [Minecraft] Failed to load white-list: java.io.FileNotFoundException: ./white-list.txt (No such file or directory) 21.03 12:18:12 [server] WARNING [Minecraft] Failed to load operators list: java.io.FileNotFoundException: ./ops.txt (No such file or directory) 21.03 12:18:12 [server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] Forge Mod Loader has successfully loaded 62 mods 21.03 12:18:12 [server] INFO [Equivalent Exchange 3] Loaded RP2 World addon 21.03 12:18:12 [server] INFO [sTDOUT] WARNING! This Transformers version does not correspond with this BC3 version! 21.03 12:18:12 [server] INFO [sTDOUT] WARNING! This Transformers version does not correspond with this IC2 version! 21.03 12:18:12 [server] INFO [sTDOUT] Transformers v1.7b detected BuildCraft 3.4.2 and IndustrialCraft 1.115.208-lf 21.03 12:18:12 [server] INFO [sTDOUT] Fluid registration: mobEssence 21.03 12:18:12 [server] INFO [sTDOUT] Fluid registration: sewage 21.03 12:18:12 [server] INFO [sTDOUT] Fluid registration: sludge 21.03 12:18:12 [server] INFO [sTDOUT] Fluid registration: milk 21.03 12:18:11 [server] INFO [LogisticsPipes|Main] Loaded Thaumcraft DummyProxy 21.03 12:18:11 [server] INFO [LogisticsPipes|Main] Loaded CCTurtleProxy 21.03 12:18:11 [server] INFO [LogisticsPipes|Main] Loaded IC2Proxy 21.03 12:18:11 [server] INFO [LogisticsPipes|Main] Loaded Forestry DummyProxy 21.03 12:18:11 [server] INFO [iC2] Loaded minor compatibility modules: none 21.03 12:18:11 [server] INFO [iC2] BuildCraft 3.2 integration module loaded 21.03 12:18:11 [server] WARNING [iC2] BuildCraft integration: Railcraft integration not loaded: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: railcraft/common/api/core/items/ItemRegistry 21.03 12:18:11 [server] INFO [iC2] Loading IC2 submodule: bcIntegration32x 21.03 12:18:11 [server] INFO [TreeCapitator] Getting tags from logValues... 21.03 12:18:11 [server] INFO [TreeCapitator] Getting tags from leafValues... 21.03 12:18:11 [server] INFO [TreeCapitator] Getting Block ID Lists from 3rd party mod configs... 21.03 12:18:11 [server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] [balkonsWeaponMod] Properties file read succesfully! 21.03 12:18:10 [server] WARNING [ForgeModLoader] SoulShards missing - MFR SoulShards Compat not loading 21.03 12:18:10 [server] INFO [sTDOUT] Fluid registration: Fuel 21.03 12:18:10 [server] INFO [sTDOUT] Fluid registration: coolant 21.03 12:18:10 [server] INFO [sTDOUT] Fluid registration: Oil 21.03 12:18:10 [server] WARNING [ForgeModLoader] Pam's Weee! Flowers missing - MFR Pam Weee! Flowers Compat not loading 21.03 12:18:10 [server] WARNING [ForgeModLoader] Pam's HC base missing - MFR Pam HC Compat not loading 21.03 12:18:10 [server] WARNING [ForgeModLoader] Forestry missing - MFR Forestry Compat not loading 21.03 12:18:10 [server] WARNING [ForgeModLoader] ExtraBiomesXL missing - MFR ExtraBiomesXL Compat not loading 21.03 12:18:10 [server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] [Modstats] Config loaded. allowUpdates: true, betaNotification: false, strict: false 21.03 12:18:10 [server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] [AdvancedPowerManagement] Advanced Power Management 1.1.55-IC2_1.112 loaded. 21.03 12:18:10 [server] INFO [sTDOUT] Loading CCTurtle v1.481 (rev 834) 21.03 12:18:10 [server] INFO [sTDOUT] ComputerCraft: RedPowerLib and methods located. 21.03 12:18:10 [server] INFO [sTDOUT] ComputerCraft: Searching for RedPowerLib... 21.03 12:18:10 [server] INFO [sTDOUT] Loading ComputerCraft v1.481 (rev 834) 21.03 12:18:10 [server] INFO [Minecraft] Starting Minecraft server on 21.03 12:18:09 [server] INFO [Minecraft] Generating keypair 21.03 12:18:09 [server] INFO [Minecraft] Default game type: SURVIVAL 21.03 12:18:09 [server] INFO [Minecraft] Loading properties 21.03 12:18:09 [server] INFO [Equivalent Exchange 3] Remote version check disabled, skipping 21.03 12:18:08 [server] INFO [ThermalExpansion] An updated version of Thermal Expansion is available: 21.03 12:18:08 [Multicraft] Skipped 38 lines due to rate limit (30/s) 21.03 12:18:07 [server] INFO [OmniTools] [Whitelist] Forge Lexicon will allow conversions for ALL items of type 'ingotInvar'. 21.03 12:18:07 [server] INFO [OmniTools] [Whitelist] Forge Lexicon will allow conversions for ALL items of type 'ingotGold'. 21.03 12:18:07 [server] INFO [OmniTools] [Whitelist] Forge Lexicon will allow conversions for ALL items of type 'ingotElectrum'. 21.03 12:18:07 [server] INFO [OmniTools] [Whitelist] Forge Lexicon will allow conversions for ALL items of type 'ingotCopper'. 21.03 12:18:07 [server] INFO [OmniTools] [Whitelist] Forge Lexicon will allow conversions for ALL items of type 'ingotBronze'. 21.03 12:18:07 [server] INFO [OmniTools] [Whitelist] Forge Lexicon will allow conversions for ALL items of type 'ingotBrass'. 21.03 12:18:07 [server] INFO [OmniTools] [Whitelist] Forge Lexicon will allow conversions for ALL items of type 'dustTin'. 21.03 12:18:07 [server] INFO [OmniTools] [Whitelist] Forge Lexicon will allow conversions for ALL items of type 'dustSulfur'. 21.03 12:18:07 [server] INFO [OmniTools] [Whitelist] Forge Lexicon will allow conversions for ALL items of type 'dustSilver'. 21.03 12:18:07 [server] INFO [OmniTools] [Whitelist] Forge Lexicon will allow conversions for ALL items of type 'dustPlatinum'. 21.03 12:18:07 [server] INFO [OmniTools] [Whitelist] Forge Lexicon will allow conversions for ALL items of type 'dustObsidian'. 21.03 12:18:07 [server] INFO [OmniTools] [Whitelist] Forge Lexicon will allow conversions for ALL items of type 'dustNikolite'. 21.03 12:18:07 [server] INFO [OmniTools] [Whitelist] Forge Lexicon will allow conversions for ALL items of type 'dustNickel'. 21.03 12:18:07 [server] INFO [OmniTools] [Whitelist] Forge Lexicon will allow conversions for ALL items of type 'dustLead'. and i can play it but it says loading all the time
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