Name: Lezaner
IRL name: Leandro
Age: 14
Do you wish to join anyone (starting town): probally no but if i cant find a nice settlement to life i will need to join a town.
Have you played IC2 or Buildcraft?: Lol bro a "LOT" like a semi-professional.
What is the purpose of a macerator? : Macerator is a grinding machine who make a better use of ores (iron ore -> 2 iron dusts) and certain not usable blocks (like cobble -> sand,gravel -> flint)
Recommendations (if you been invited): My friend Gatobiel4 he's a other nice tekkit lite/classic player
Other things i should know: I'm brazilian i live in São Paulo,i'm a social guy,i don't act like an idiot asking for op or itens and i like a nice fairplay and interation of players and staff.