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Everything posted by NerdinaBox

  1. Ah, alright then. Its cool anyway, can make the Bore thing with Iron :)
  2. Kind of hope it is added soon. Seems quite useful
  3. Is the Blast Furnace in Tekkit? (From RailCraft) Im unable to make it in SMP.
  4. Hello Tekkits, I saw under Detail options it had a Capes option for being displayed, how do I get a cape for tekkit SMP ?
  5. Easier Solution: Hold shift and click the Phil Stone while its in the chest next to the Automatic Crafting Table, then it will drop into your inventory. Do the same thing to the phil stone in your inventory, returning it to the chest that's next to your Automatic crafting table. This will trigger it to craft your request again. I have 8 Phil stone sin the chest, and I just spam this method. Just hope they fix this soon, its not too much of a hassle, but it gets annoying.
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