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About Kakian12

  • Birthday 07/10/1998

Kakian12's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Name:Kakian12 Age: 14 What do you wish to accomplish?: Anything i can =D be it factories or massive buildings =3 Have you played IC2 or buildcraft? ive played tekkit 2 1/2 years so very much =3 what is the purpose of a macerator? to grind certain ores and materials down to another substance or dust Recommendations(if you been invited): N/A Others things i should know: im very competitive
  2. hope the servers up soon anticipation is killer xD
  3. i hope its just plugins =D but either way
  4. oh crap....... forgot about that.... fml >.<
  5. Looking for a brand new Tekkit Lite whitelist server =D

  6. In Game Name: Kakian12 Age:14 Would i find your name on a banlist on MCbans? If so why did you get banned? I dont think ive been banned before Why do you like to play Tekkit lite? its the one think i can enjoy =D Why this server? Looks like a decent server and id like to try it out! Reply soon id like to join!
  7. Minecraft Username: kakian12 Age:14 How long you have been playing Tekkit Lite: Tekkit lite: few months Tekkit classic: 2 1/2 years Why do you think I should whitelist you? Im an expert on all things in tekkit and i would love to join this server What is the best thing you have ever done in minecraft? Build the taj mahal in vanilla minecraft w/o creative (not easy x.x) Do you promise not to break any of the rules posted above? Y/N (Y) Reply Soon! Cant wait to join!
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